Tea Tree

What Four Essential Oils That Are More Powerful Than Antibiotics?

Did you know there are four essential oil that are considered more powerful then antibiotics? Actually there are more but these would be the top picks. On this blog you will find many articles about essential oils and how to use them. But today’s new blog will show you why four particular essential oils can be better than antibiotics in some cases. I am referring to an excellent article from the Nutritional Watchdog Mike Geary a Certified Nutrition Specialist Four essential oils that are more powerful than antibiotics 

Antibiotic overuse is creating monstrous superbugs that can cause incurable infections, serious illnesses, amputations, and even death. Antibiotic overuse in the beef, pork and poultry business, in human medications, and even antibacterial hand soap and cleaners has created a new breed of bacteria that is antibiotic-resistant. Latest news shows some new bacteria strains that are totally resistant to ALL forms of current antibiotics! It’s really only a matter of time before these bacteria become out of control and even more deadly.

Antibiotics kill off the all-important microbiome existing in our bodies, that does everything from helping protect and preserve the immune system, prevent overgrowth of dangerous bacteria, fungus and viruses, but it is now known that these beneficial bacteria also affects moods, anxiety and depression and overall wellbeing. After antibiotics, it may take up to a year or more to regrow the healthy populations of essential beneficial bacteria in the gut. My best advice to you is to avoid antibiotics if at all possible and to try a natural approach first. Essential oils offer a first line of defense against antibiotic resistant and common bacteria—as well as yeasts and fungus. Certain essential oils can be as effective–if not more effective–at doing the job that antibiotics do—without the harmful side effects.

I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did. You can find the remainder of the article here

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