53 Organic Living Tips

53 Organic Living Tips

    1. Faucet water contains fluoride in all 50 states. Purchase a reverse osmosis filter to remove it. A Britta filter won’t be enough. I prefer my Big Berkey filtration system.
    2. Chlorine in water will evaporate after a few hours. Just leave it in a filter or jug in your fridge overnight.
    3. Though Nalgene bottles are BPA-free, they’ve been found to leech other chemicals. Use glass bottles to be 100{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} safe.
    4. Avoid anti-bacterial soap. Residue on dishes and hands gets in the stomach and kills your “good bacteria.”
    5. Cooking with coconut oil is better than olive oil. It has more Omega-3s and doesn’t oxidize in sunlight or high temperatures.
    6. Tom’s toothpaste is a great alternative to traditional toothpaste. It’s fluoride free and avoids many additive chemicals. Also check out my remineralizing homemade toothpaste.
    7. Setting up a vertical garden takes a week or two, but can pay off in organic produce for years.
    8. Coconut or almond based ice cream is a fantastic way to indulge, without eating dairy.
    9. Most organic eggs come from cooped up chickens fed organic produce. For true free range eggs, find a local farmer on localharvest.org.
    10. “Organically made” is not the same as “Organic.” “Freely Traded” is not the same as “Free Trade.” Those former foods aren’t certified.
    11. Avoid cheap vegetable oils at all costs. They’re high in Omega-6 and very unhealthy.
    12. Most “grass fed” beef are still grain finished. For 100{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} grass fed beef, look for a local farm you can buy from.
    13. Most fruits have quite a high glycemic index. The exception are berries (including strawberries) which are low GI and very healthy.
    14. Think you can’t afford organic? Buy foods that are in season. It’s both more inexpensive and healthier.
    15. Have a favorite seasonal food? Buy it when it’s in season, then freeze it. It’s healthier than buying it out of season.
    16. Avoid large fish like tuna. Large fish eat small fish and build up higher concentrations of mercury.

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