Curb Cravings With Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds- A Healthy Addition

Hemp has been used for thousands of years for various purposes, one of which has been food consumption. Greek researcher and storyteller Herodotus wrote about hemp in the 5th Century. The fourth President of the United States Thomas Jefferson grew it. Since 2800 b.c. it has been used in Chinese medicine. Even in modern times hemp has been a very important plant the world over. Yet today few people know of its many beneficial medical benefits. This is due to the fact that its leaves commonly called marijuana or Cannabis is illegal the world over. I will outline some of the recent scientific findings showing that hemp seeds are a necessity for a normal and healthy life.

Hemp seeds nutrition:
Hemp seeds contain all 20 known amino acids and at least six of the ten essential amino acids. It has been argued that hemp seeds contain anywhere from six to all ten of the essential amino acids depending on the source. However, the fact that it contains at least six isn’t debated. Essential amino acids are needed by all humans on a regular basis and can only come from a outside plant source. They help to prevent and cure disease by building up proteins in the body. Hemp seeds and the oil it contains are rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. An intake of these two fatty acids has been observed to lower heart disease and improve memory functions amongst other things. A reduction in inflammatory conditions which can be life threatening is another one. Many people eat fish for the intake of these acids but fail to realize that the fish are getting it from plants. This trick has turned into huge profits from the fish industry, while hemp is rarely mentioned in a positive light. Other people buy expensive pills for the acids but getting hemp seeds alone ensures you of getting the other acids and proteins you need without any additives and side effects.

Hemp seed misconception:
One of the common problems with educating others about hemp seeds is its association with marijuana. Hemp seeds have a very low rate of Tetrahydrocannabinol also called THC for short. This is the active ingredient in marijuana that produces the “high” when smoked or eaten. The rate is so low that you can’t get high from hemp seeds. Furthermore it is possible to remove all THC from hemp seeds using current growing methods and most laws have a quota on the amount it can contain.

Based on my research hemp seeds are not a luxury but a necessity. If people had a daily intake of hemp seeds I’m convinced that the major drug companies making billions from sickness would fall flat. Maybe that is the reason they don’t want you to know about it? Check online for many different hemp seed vendors and order yours today.

Russ Hancock is freelance writer living in the wilds of Montana. He owns the rSeek Network of websites including
Cliksearch Search Portal and
The Health Domain Information and Resources and
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