essential oils

Aromatherapy for Mental Health

Have you ever used essential oil aromatherapy for mental health?

Few would disagree that we live in a stress filled age. It seems like everyone has more on their plate than they can handle. The proverbial ‘To-do List’ never seems to get completed in its entirety – EVER! The world is simply busier with everyone on their cell phones, tablets, eating out, and trying to squeeze in time for friends and family.

Adding to this is the upset and concerns many feel over economic uncertainties, the political climate, violence in the community, etc. It is a recipe that takes quite a toll on a person’s mental health. Is it really surprising that more people are turning to unhealthy solutions like drugs and alcohol to help them cope?

The truth is that stress does not have to be tolerated; it can be and should be dealt with. Fortunately, there are ways to de-stress your body and self that are all natural and simple to learn. One of these methods is using aromatherapy for mental health.


With more people recognizing that prescription drugs come with a litany of unpleasant side effects and risks that outweigh their potential benefit, it’s no wonder that natural healing practices such as aromatherapy for mental health are making a comeback.

Aromatherapy for mental health involves using essential oils and aromatic essences of plants to evoke a specific sensory response and resulting physiological reaction. For example, lavender and chamomile are both well known for their calming and sleep-inducing properties. These plants literally produce sedative effects in the body due to their chemical makeup. Indeed, recent studies have shown that the power of plant essences is backed by substantial scientific evidence.

Aromatherapy is purported by many to treat medical conditions in a natural and holistic way without introducing chemicals and drugs into the body. It involves using essential oils and aromatic essences of plants to manage undesirable symptoms and promote healing. When a person inhales a particular essential oil, it may induce a specific reaction, depending on the type and potency of that oil. Reactions can range from increased heart rate and blood pressure, to stimulation of neurological activity, to clarity of thought and elevated mood, to drowsiness.

Other than the potential for allergic reactions in some individuals, aromatherapy has shown to be both effective and safe.

Best Essential Oils for Aromatherapy Mental Health Issues

Certain oils in particular are known to provide relief to those battling mental health issues. Here are some of the most effective oils along with the conditions they aid:

  • Lavender oil – This essential oil is best known for its calming properties that help control emotional stress, promote relaxation and induce restful sleep.
  • Geranium oil – This sweet-smelling oil is said to elevate mood, diminish anxiety and balance hormones. It is often recommended to alleviate symptoms of PMS as well as manage hot flashes and mood changes brought on by menopause.
  • Lemon oil – A favorite for cleaning, disinfecting and bringing about calm and peaceful feelings while invigorating the mind.
  • Jasmine oil –  Like lavender, jasmine is also used to settle the nerves. However, this is also a balancing oil, recommended for alleviating symptoms of depression, as it seems to bring a lift in mood and increase feelings of euphoria even as it relaxes the body.
  • Rosemary oil – Has stimulating properties that fight physical exhaustion, headaches and mental fatigue. Has also shown to assist those with Alzheimer’s.
  • Cinnamon oil – The stimulating yet grounding properties of cinnamon may help fight mental fatigue and improve concentration and focus. Cinnamon oil is also purported to relieve the mind of obsessive and paranoid thoughts.
  • Peppermint oil – An energy booster, cooling peppermint invigorates the mind, promotes concentration and stimulates clear thinking.

How to Use Essential Oils

One of the best things about aromatherapy and essential oils is that there never needs to be any kind of elaborate setup. Here are some ideas for putting them to use:

  • Cotton balls:

Getting a nose full of relaxing fragrance can be as easy as putting a few drops of essential oils on a cotton ball and inhaling. Just be careful when breathing in essential oils, however, as they are very concentrated and can overwhelm the senses.

  • Diffusers:

You can purchase an aromatherapy diffuser in many department stores or online. These help create a scented mist from the oils which will then produce the effect you’re seeking. For example, you can end your busy day by diffusing some soothing lavender, which will help promote relaxation and sound sleep.

  • Candles and Bath and Body Products:

There are many soaps, body washes, lotions, candles and more that are specially scented with essential oils. You can buy them in health and specialty stores, purchase online, or even create them homemade from your own special essential oil blends. If you do buy essential oil products, just be sure that what you’re getting is 100{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} pure and not a synthetic fragrance.

Final Note

Aromatherapy and essential oils deliver myriad benefits and can be used to manage symptoms related to certain mental health conditions. At the same time however, it should be noted that they are not a replacement for professional medical care from a licensed physician. Instead they are best used as a complimentary treatment alongside your doctor’s recommended health regimen.

Do you use essential oils? In the comments section tell me about your favorite and how you use them.


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