Ayurveda Food for a Balanced Health

This article is written for the purpose of helping people understand the significance of Ayurveda food. The food we intake is the only thing that makes a very significant impact on someone’s health. The rich food we intake the more health we will get. Along with the proper food, an efficient digestion system is also important. This is proved as a good alternative to those where myriad of medications are taken to attain good health.

Ayurveda principles state that balance among the three doshas which are basic life energy sources is the ingredients to a healthy life. Eating a healthy diet will help balance the Kapha, Vata and Pitta doshas. Basically, Ayurveda food is divided into six categories of tastes that are salty, sour, sweet, bitter, astringent, and pungent. It is advised to include small amount of every taste in order to maintain a healthy diet. Besides tastes, they are also classified depending on its quality: unctuous or dry, heavy or light, warm or cool, In case you have too much kapha, you should go for more light and dry food. On the other hand, when you are facing problems related to Vata, you must intake more heavy, unctuous and warm food. In order to maintain pitta, more cool, dry and heavy foods are required.

Ad mentioned, balancing all the three doshas bring happiness and health to your life, and by having all the six tastes and quality of Ayurveda food will help sustain the balance. This move will not only keeps you away from various ailments but found to be extremely beneficial for your emotional and spiritual health. Ayurveda is a science of life that not only focuses on physical health but on the general well being of an individual.

Moreover, Ayurveda food contains herbs and spices that are very beneficial to one’s health.

Visit our website for more information on Ayurveda food, Exercises for rotator cuff and Wart home remedies.

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

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