About Essential Oils


Since the beginning of the year I have become obsessed with essential oils. I have learned that there is so much more to oils than aromatherapy, and so many more oils than lavender and patchouli. I knew there was more but I didn’t understand how much more. If you know a little about essential oils and would like to learn more then this article is for you. If you already know a ton but are obsessed with oils as I am, then this article is for you too.

Essential oils which are natural aromatic compounds found in plants. Basically, the oils are the LIVE essence of the plant. They carry all of the active chemical constituents that the actual plant has itself and are 50-70% more potent that the herb itself...


What Essential Oils Can Do For You

Essential oils are chemical compounds with aromatic properties found in the seeds, roots, stems, bark, flowers, and other parts of plants. For centuries, there are many stories of healing properties of these precious oils. There were also many ways essential oils were extracted out of different plants. For example, rose oil was extracted by massaging leaves with animal fat. A lot of essential oils, like Lemon and Orange, are cold pressed. The vast majority of oils from plants are steam distilled at a certain temperature and a specific pressure. The most therapeutic oils with optimum benefits are taken after the first distillation. I do not recommend purchasing any oils from any other distillation...


Traveling with Your Pet

Traveling with your pet is off my usual topic but something near and dear to my heart and at this time of year some will suffer while traveling with their owners and the suffering is uncalled for with a little planning ahead of time so read on.

Some pets love to travel, and some hate it. Traveling with your pet can be very stressful for animals, and for you as a caring owner as well. There are several ways your pet can travel, as most forms of transportation accept them. Educating yourself about all your options is important when making a choice how your pet will travel, as it can save you a lot of grief. Whether a short day trip or a long extended trip you should be prepared with a travel bag of goodies, bowls, and water, food, treats etc.  Pet travel kit

What Form of Travel Is Best for Your Pet?

If y...


Holistic Healthcare Treatments

There are a wide variety of different healthcare treatments, and many holistic healthcare treatments as well. Holistic is a very broad word that encompasses many different methods of natural healing that include chiropractic work, acupuncture, nutrition therapy, muscle rehabilitation, massage therapy, vitamins and supplements, and minerals. Holistic healing is not for every patient, but there have shown favorable results and a great deal of good can be done by a number of these practices.

Accupuncture for example has gained a great deal of western approval and popularity, as it has been proven to be helpful. There are a few different types of acupuncture that focus on pressure and pain reduction, and not all of them use needles...


How Essential Are Essential Oils For Your Skin?

You might have noticed or heard many skin care professionals and sites boasting about the essential oils present in their products and the benefits. Essential oils are undoubtedly essential for the skin. They help improve and revitalize the skin and hair in not one, but many ways. Scientists’ and herbal experts have always been interested in sorting out what the various plants and trees have inside them for human use. The great varieties of oils and gels which can be extracted from various trees have been researched for a long time. After vigorous and well structured research, it is now known that the various oils which can be extracted from trees can work wonders to improve the skin.

Our skin can reap benefits from nature

Hundreds of essential oils are now known that can be used to cure...

super smoothies

Organic Fruit

Throughout the history of the world, food has been grown using techniques described as organic. But in the last 100 years, conventional farming methods have increasingly relied on the use manufactured compounds such as pesticides and fertilizers, as well as using genetically modified seed. Organic fruits refer to produce grown using natural techniques with no chemicals or with only organic compounds.

Many countries have strict certification rules for labeling fruits and vegetables as organic. The United States, Canada and the European Union are some examples. In the United States, certification is outlined by the state departments of agriculture and conditions include no irradiation, no genetic modification, and most pesticides and fertilizers prohibited...

Rubber Gloves

Nail Health

Healthy nails are pretty nails – something worth considering if your nails never seem to look good. Fortunately, nails don’t need a ton to be healthy. The most necessary issue is to avoid those activities and substances that harm nails. There are some professional-active things you can do to help foster smart health. No, I do not mean costly supplements, exotic-sounding nail creams, or expensive salon treatments. What I’m talking regarding are simple, sense varieties of things that do not take a heap of effort, thought, or money.

Cuticle massage

Massage features a reputation for being a frivolous, feel-smart quite thing we have a tendency to treat ourselves to on birthdays or Mother’s days...


Benefits Of Holistic Medicine

Do you know the benefits of holistic medicine? When one is experiencing pain or discomfort due to an illness or medical condition, they often turn towards a medical health professional to help them overcome their sickness. Some go to their usual doctor while others opt for a more natural approach to medicine, i.e. holistic medicine. In a nutshell, this kind of medicine is a non-invasive, natural method for curing an individual of an illness or helping them with their everyday symptoms. With holistic medicine there are certain benefits not often seen with general practice medicine. The following will offer some of the benefits which patients seek and receive from holistic medical providers.

Non-Invasive Treatment

Holistic medicine often provides treatment for the patient which is non-invasi...


Holistic Healing Through Thetahealing

Holistic healing is a popular modern concept for many reasons. Holistic healing is all about healing the entire person, not only a persons body. Holistic healing encompasses the healing of body, mind and spirit. But how does one attain holistic healing? Thetahealing is one important way to heal the body, mind and spirit.

How does this work to heal the entire person? The major concept of healing through Thetahealing is to connect the person to the Creator of All. Concepts that will reconnect a person seeking total healing of body, mind and spirit are taught in Holistic Healing Centers, and at Ashram Yoga Retreats, which teach healing techniques.

The concepts that lead to healing of the whole person are based on the unconditional love of the Creator of All...


Psoriasis Treatment Unique Products

We searched the world over to bring you unique and effective treatment psoriasis choices for controlling psoriasis. We hope you find the lost treasures you were seeking. Our nautical theme invokes a spirit of adventure and discovery. There are items here that are from the sea, herba and from land. We tried to combine old knowledge with new technology, common sense approaches, and alternative medicines to help make your trip to the rewarding

Psoriasis treatment, gentle herbal psoriasis creams and shampoos that contain FDA approved ingredients to combine nature with science.

Maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet can improve general health and have a positive impact on psoriasis.

Currently, there is no cure for psoriasis...
