Category Essential Oils

Lavender essential oil

Recommended Essential Oils For Your Feet

Inhaling the scent of essential oils or applying the oils onto the soles of your feet are the two quickest ways to benefit from these oils. The latest studies concluded that our feet can absorb these oils which reach the blood stream within only a few seconds after application. Blood circulation will then spread the oil and the soothing effects throughout the body not long after. Here are recommended essential oils for your feet

Lavender has been an all time favorite for centuries now because of its relaxing effect. It can also be used to battle against fungi, inflammation and can be used as an analgesic and as an antiseptic. Lavender has also shown properties that help burn cholesterol and fat in the blood stream.

Oregano gives off a hot sensation so it can be really soothing when applied...

Tea Tree

What Four Essential Oils That Are More Powerful Than Antibiotics?

Did you know there are four essential oil that are considered more powerful then antibiotics? Actually there are more but these would be the top picks. On this blog you will find many articles about essential oils and how to use them. But today’s new blog will show you why four particular essential oils can be better than antibiotics in some cases. I am referring to an excellent article from the Nutritional Watchdog Mike Geary a Certified Nutrition Specialist Four essential oils that are more powerful than antibiotics 

Antibiotic overuse is creating monstrous superbugs that can cause incurable infections, serious illnesses, amputations, and even death...


Essential Bath Oils For Psyche and Spirit

Have you ever used essential bath oils?

Oh my, essential bath oils make you feel so wonderful. We speak and write frequently about the medicinal and healing properties in floral and herbal essences; we talk a great deal about how to mix our favorite fragrances into soaps, shampoos, conditioners, massage oils, and perfumes. We look right past the therapeutic benefits of the baths and showers themselves, probably because we have hidden them in such obvious places. So, take a moment and consider how many benefits you derive from a long, hot, very private, intensely fragrant soak in your tub.

Do not fast-forward to essential bath oil’s undeniable benefits for your skin and hair. Focus first on psyche and spirit, remembering you must match your essential bath oil mix with its function...

essential oils

Aromatherapy for Mental Health

Have you ever used essential oil aromatherapy for mental health?

Few would disagree that we live in a stress filled age. It seems like everyone has more on their plate than they can handle. The proverbial ‘To-do List’ never seems to get completed in its entirety – EVER! The world is simply busier with everyone on their cell phones, tablets, eating out, and trying to squeeze in time for friends and family.

Adding to this is the upset and concerns many feel over economic uncertainties, the political climate, violence in the community, etc. It is a recipe that takes quite a toll on a person’s mental health. Is it really surprising that more people are turning to unhealthy solutions like drugs and alcohol to help them cope?

The truth is that stress does not have to be tolerated; it can...

Breast Message

Breast Massage – Essential Oils to Use

Essential Oils to Use for Healthy Breast Massage Oil

(Use equal parts of each essential oil)
ROSE GERANIUM ( Pelargonium roseum ) Known to be useful in regulating physical, mental, and emotional imbalances Rose Geranium oil has a calming and uplifting effect on the emotions, and is helpful for relieving depression, nervousness and fear. When you are feeling out of sync with yourself try Geranium oil to gently reconnect with yourself and your body’s own natural rhythms.

YLANG YLANG III ( Cananga odorata ) Composed almost entirely of sesquiterpenes which give Ylang Ylang III its powerful antispasmodic and sedative action. Ylang Ylang is first essential oil to consider when needing help for regulating and balancing the nervous system...

essential oil cleaning products

Essential Oils Around the Home

Do you know how to use essential oils to clean your home?

 Have you become concerned that the use of environmental chemicals in and around your home may be toxic to your family’s health? Do you worry that the chemical-based cleaning products deemed safe by the FDA are actually to blame for the recent drastic rise in cancer rates, not to mention the increase in diagnoses of “new age” illnesses and chronic conditions such as thyroid disease, endocrine and hormone disruption, fibromyalgia, lupus, and chronic fatigue, as well as allergies and asthma in children?

Natural cleaning products needn’t be expensive or hard to come by...


Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is the ancient art of healing use of fragrant essential oils and herbs to promote natural healing and health. There are hundreds of essential oils on the market and each can assist in a different form of healing. Aromatherapy massage combines the relaxing and rejuvenating experience of a massage, with the benefits of aromatherapy. Like massage therapy, aromatherapy massage has been used for centuries to heal and soothe. It has become more popular in recent years.

Some of the most widely used essential oils used in massage oil include tea Tree, Lavender, Jasmine, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang and Rosemary. All have different healing properties. Tea Tree Oil is a time honored aromatherapy remedy for ringworm, athlete’s foot and other fungal infections...


Essential Oils for Skin Care

Essential Oils for Skin Care

Natural skin care products and remedies are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society. Beauty products and skin care products are advertising their use of organic and natural ingredients to promote the change. More and more women prefer these organic and natural ingredients and products because we have seen the harmful effects that chemicals can have on our skin, body and appearance.  Essential oils are the next great natural skin care product. Essential oils are extracts from plants and herbs that contain the essence, smell and properties of the plan from which they were extracted. In regards to skin care, essential oils are natural, non-greasy oils that tone, rejuvenate, and enhance the natural beauty of skin...


Essential Oils Good For Stress

Essential Oils Good For Stress

Essential Oils For Stress Remedy A lot of people say that aromatherapy is the best stress reliever! Aromatherapy in the form of a massage or bath is equally relaxing. The sense of smell is the only sense that routes directly to the part of our brain that deals with stressful experiences. During an aromatherapy session, scent from a massage or a compress of pure essential oils makes sure that your senses are completely alert. The oil’s molecules enter either our sinus cavities or skin, pass through the membranes, enter the bloodstream and travel all the way to the brain.

Once these molecules are inside the body, they will head to your mind and cut straight through everything you are thinking at the moment...


Hair Loss and Essential Oils

Hair Loss and Essential Oils

Hair care is important to everyone no matter their age or ethnicity. There are probably hundreds of thousands of remedies for treating hair loss. Depending on hair type, texture, scalp condition and heredity not all treatments work for everyone, but there is one that has proven effective for many.

These oils are highly concentrated and have been removed from the leaves, stems, flowers or roots of plants.

You have probably heard of or read about the use of Essential Oils for help with relaxation, meditation, immunity against diseases, but what about treating baldness, thinning hair, dry hair and scalp or dandruff?

Both men and women complain of these conditions.

There are approximately 400 essential oils. Lavender, Basil, Hyssop, Jasmine, and Thyme are a few...
