Category Health

19 Hemp for Health Tips

Since president Trump signed The Farm Bill and has made growing Hemp legal in the USA again I though it might be good to revisit some of the benefits of the HEMP plant.

  1. Hemp seed is made from a different variety of cannabis than marijuana. It will never get you “high” in any form.

    Industrial Hemp

    Industrial Hemp

  2. Did you know that schoolbooks used to be made from hemp paper until late in the 19th century?
  3. 1 tbsp. toasted hemp seeds sprinkled on hot or cold cereal contains less than 1g fat, 4g. carb and 3g protein.
  4. On a gluten-free diet? Add hemp flour, oil, seeds and powder to your list of staples.
  5. Hemp seed oil has been used for centuries as a clean –burning lamp oil. And artists preferred it to linseed oil for thinning paint.
  6. Like flax, hemp seeds contain all nine complete amino acids – without bi...

53 Organic Living Tips

53 Organic Living Tips

    1. Faucet water contains fluoride in all 50 states. Purchase a reverse osmosis filter to remove it. A Britta filter won’t be enough. I prefer my Big Berkey filtration system.
    2. Chlorine in water will evaporate after a few hours. Just leave it in a filter or jug in your fridge overnight.
    3. Though Nalgene bottles are BPA-free, they’ve been found to leech other chemicals. Use glass bottles to be 100{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} safe.
    4. Avoid anti-bacterial soap. Residue on dishes and hands gets in the stomach and kills your “good bacteria.”
    5. Cooking with coconut oil is better than olive oil. It has more Omega-3s and doesn’t oxidize in sunlight or high temperatures.
    6. Tom’s toothpaste is a great alternative to traditional toothpaste...

Hormonal Imbalances in Your Body

Hormonal Imbalances in Your Body

Hormonal Imbalances in your body will cause a long list of problems in both men and women, both sexes have the same hormones just in different ratio levels the following article does a wonderful job of explaining this and all the things available to correct the problem naturally instead of all the chemical fixes with the fake hormone replacements drugs which cause even more damage. I have to say this is one that the best articles I have read on this subject.

The only other comment I would add is that pure therapeutic grade essential oils such as Clary Sage, Clove, and Ylang Ylang can do a wonderful job of balancing the hormones. Zendocrin Detoxification Complex will help support a healthy cleaning of the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin...


A River of Waste-The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms

A River of Waste-The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms

Today Poultry, Pork and Beef are primarily raised on factory farms. These farms are creating a number of health and environmental problems do to the way they are disposing of the sewage into our fragile waterways and environments. Also the over abundance of antibiotics and growth hormones are threatening the life of animals, humans and the future of our planet. Some Public Health institutions have called for a moratorium on the factory farms. Some scientists have gone so far as to call the condemned current factory farm practices as “mini Chernobyl’s.” It appears that our modern American industrial system of meat and poultry production is really nothing more than a huge health and environmental scandal.

Many European countries have...
