Category Hemp

Fast Facts About Hemp Make the Case For Hemp Diapers

Children of the eighties have recovered their parents’ fascination with hemp, but they have put it to practical use instead of relegating it to the world of poor jokes and sniggering allusions. By the time the children of eighties children have their own children, hemp probably will be the fabric-of-choice, the norm for cloth diapers worldwide.

Fast Facts and Considerable Advantages

Yes, hemp belongs to the same family as marijuana, and you might easily mistake one for the other in the wild, because their leaves have very similar shapes. Hemp, however, contains absolutely no THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Children of the eighties already have outgrown the jokes and allusions...

Organic Clothing

Organic Clothing

Do you purchase organic clothing? The Green Revolution is changing how people think and perceive their environment. These changes are prevalent in everything from our food supply, to the buildings we live and work in, and even the clothing we wear. Demand for organic clothing is growing rapidly and is expected to triple by the end of 2008, but many people are still unaware of this $ 2.6 billion dollar industry that spans the entire globe.

What does it mean for clothes to be organic? Simply that the clothes are made from non-toxic, natural materials grown, and manufactured in an ecologically sound, sustainable fashion. Common materials used are cotton, wool, bamboo, and even soy. Bamboo trees grow extremely rapidly, several inches per day, even without pesticides...

Hemp Bracelet

Hemp Bracelet: Timeless Accessory

Do you own a hemp bracelet? If not maybe it’s time you did. A bracelet is a small piece of accessory, is beautiful jewelry for hand. Bracelets are made of different materials; it could be made of leather, metal, precious stones and beads. Bracelets are not only for ornamental values but it is one of the most popular gift item among friends and exchanging bracelets and gifting it one of the old ritual among friends. It indicates love and affection for your friends.
Bracelets are usually worn for ornamental purpose, earlier bracelets made of precious stones and metals were in vogue, now the trend is changing. People are now looking for trendy and chic bracelet and hemp friendship bracelet falls fit in this category. The craze of hemp bracelet is raising high among teenagers and youngsters...

Curb Cravings With Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seed For Weight Reduction

Have you tried Hemp Seed for weight reduction?

No matter what weight reduction program you’re following you should consider more then just reducing calories and fat consumption. You need to consider nutritional value as well.

Hemp seeds, contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, nor has the essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet human nutritional needs.

Approximately 35{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} of the weight of hempseed is hempseed oil, an edible oil that contains about 80{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} essential fatty acids(EFAs); i.e...

Cannabis, Hemp Legal Weed

Cannabis, Hemp and Legal Weed

What about cannabis, hemp or other legal weed do you  know the difference?

The cannabis plant was one of the very first plants to be domesticated some eight to ten thousand years ago, and remained one of the world’s most important crops right up until the end of the nineteenth century.

There are three types of cannabis plant that each belong to separate subspecies, two of which have been used by humans for millennia, and selectively bred for certain characteristics. Cannabis sativa is a tall woody annual plant that can grow as much as fifteen to twenty feet high in a single growing season. The plant produces strong and versatile fibres and highly nutritious seeds, but produces a very small amount of THC making it useless to those who use cannabis for recreational or ceremonial purposes.



The Wonderful World of Hemp

Hemp was one of the first crops to be domesticated by early farmers, some eight to ten thousand years ago, and remained one of our most useful and valuable crops right up until the industrial revolution.

Hemp was originally domesticated for its nutritious seeds and tough fibres. A hardy plant, it grows quickly and will tolerate a wide variety of soils and climates. It is probably the single most versatile crop of all – almost all parts of the plant can be used for an incredible array of purposes.

The fibres of hemp are easily worked and were used to make cloth and sacking. It is believed that hemp stems were being pulped to produce paper some two hundred years before the invention of paper made from wood pulp...

Hemp Seed Foods

Hemp Seed Nut – Hype Or Health

Hemp Seed, have you  heard of all the wonderful benefits hemp seed can deliver to your body?

Mankind has been searching for the perfect food since the beginning of time. We can recall scenes of the snake oil salesman hawking elixirs and potions of all kinds, even ones that supposedly included the oils from snakes, promising to cure everything that ailed a person.

If this is as good as it seems why haven’t we heard of it before now? Actually, it has been around for centuries. The Chinese were using it in medicine five thousand years ago and it was grown widely in the United States until it became illegal in 1937.

Clinical studies indicate that this tiny seed is unmatched in Nature for its balance of all required proteins and all essential fats as well as most vitamins and enzymes.

No other...

Hemp products and uses,

A Brief History of Hemp

If you’re unsure of using Hemp this brief history of the crop should clear the murky waters.

The history of Hemp and it usage dates back to the Stone Age of man as hemp impressions are found in China and Taiwan which are assumed to be over 10,000 years old. These medieval Asian people used this very fiber to make their household items including clothes, shoes, ropes and even paper. The Chinese are credited for the introduction of paper to the world and that very first paper that was manufactured comprised of hemp.

Till the 14th century hemp was the most common material that was used for clothing. Hemp clothes were particularly popular in lower classes of European countries. Every small town in Europe in Dark Age had an access to a heap field...

hemp purse

How Hemp Can Save the Environment

What Are The Many Ways Hemp Can Save the Environment

The environment is collectively the most important natural resource we have; well, it constitutes all natural resources. That is why we must protect the environment, not just for ourselves, but for all the animals who inhabit nature as well. Through the use of hemp, we can help the environment and make it better for current humans and future generations.

Of all the plants, why is this one so good for the environment? The benefits from it come from many angles. The primary reason why it can help is because it grows in such abundance. When growing, it removes massive amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and it also deposits some of it in to the ground, where it makes the soil richer and prevents it from escaping out again...

hemp shorts

The Benefits of Hemp Clothing

The Benefits of Hemp Clothing

Hemp has had such a bad rap over the last few decades because of its association with illicit drugs, however, industrial hemp is one of the most useful and environmentally friendly materials found. In years gone by hemp was an essential and its cultivation was encouraged by governments. It was use for sail, ropes, military uniforms, parachute webbing and canvases of all kinds. Today it has had somewhat of a revival being used in a variety of products such as jewelery, furnishings, paper, body products and increasingly in the construction industry. However, it is as a fabric in the textile industry that hemp has it most obvious use.

Industrial hemp has many advantages over other crop fibers such as cotton.
Hemp • matures in one season • requires considerably le...
