Four Sensible Essentials For An Eco-friendly Lady

After reviewing a list of all-natural products, from solar-powered watches to organic beauty items, we’ve narrowed it down to four essential pieces that we find every eco-conscious woman out there should get acquainted with. Use this list as a guide as you transition from harsh chemically processed clothing, jewelry, and bath and beauty items, and embrace a much more earth-friendly (and health conscious) way of living.

Hemp Clothing/Bras/Bikinis

In the past, hemp was usually used to make coarse materials, making it an ideal for ropes, burlap sacks, etc. However, hemp, from plants of the Cannabis genus, is actually a soft and sturdy fiber that can be blended with other fibers like cotton, flax and silk producing a soft fabric that is wearable. Recently, popular clothing brands have incorporated Hemp Bikini and Swim Tops into their lines.

They are a great option for many women who prefer non-chemically processed clothing. Those who are already using these products love the fact that they’re light and very comfortable with a “barely-there” feeling. Hemp fibers also work perfectly in items like t-shirt bras, because they create a smooth and polished fit.

Organic Jewelry

When it comes to organic jewelry, the ones made out of seeds, shells, butterfly wings, gemstones and carved gourds are playful and wearable. With all of the fair trade, organic designs out there now, you’re sure to find some that are suitable for your style and choice of clothes. Organic jewelry made in Peru, which we know is very rich in natural resources, is a highly preferable choice since the designs are exquisite and classy.

Peruvian artisans are able to incorporate the traditional art of gourd carving with their accessories and mix it up with contemporary designs. Peruvians are also spiritual, wherein, they believe that some things may bring “good luck” when worn, an example of which is Huayruro seeds.

Butterfly wings collected naturally from the floor of the rain forest are another beautiful organic material used to make Peruvian jewelry. Most of these materials are being gathered in the forest of the Amazon and handcrafted by local artisans. These artisans depend on the money they make from selling their handcrafted goods, so you can feel good about not only saving the environment by choosing natural materials over plastic beads, etc. but also helping to support the artisans.

Eco-Friendly Nail Lacquer

Since the era of ancient Egypt up to modern times, women have incorporated putting colors on their nails as a beauty ritual. Most nail lacquers or varnish contain chemicals such as Formaldehyde to make the nail polish adhere to the surface of the nails, DBP or Dibutyl phthalate, and toluene this can let the lacquer stay longer even after numbers of showers and hand washings because it is water-insoluble. Toluene is also the one that creates the nail lacquer’s distinctive aroma, similar to the smell of paint-thinner.

But these chemicals have been found harmful for your health and have even been linked to allergies, asthma and cancer. That’s why a water-based nail polish was developed around 2003, using pigments similar to those in watercolor paints. Now big brands such as Sephora and Essie have created Formaldehyde, DBP and Toluene Free nail polish options for the Eco-friendly and health-conscious shopper.

Organic Shampoo

Organic shampoos that have no trace of solvents, or sodium lauryl (sulfates) are found to be more gentle and less harsh on hair. The chemicals mentioned above have been found to cause drying and brittling, therefore causing further damage. Although this chemical is the one that causes shampoos to produce suds, giving us a “cleansed” sensation after shampooing, it stays longer in the body since it cannot be metabolized by our liver.

Luckily, companies looking to produce organic alternatives were able to come up with an ingredient that has both cleansing and moisturizing properties, olive oil. It’s now being considered as a treatment for hair-loss caused by strong chemical shampoos. Even homemade organic shampoos are available. Just don’t ingest your olive oil shampoo, or you may be faced with a very upset stomach! Once it’s mixed blended into a shampoo mixture, it is no longer edible.

It is imperative that you choose a product that will not only benefit you, but something that could help you create an awareness. Not only the materials or ingredients used, but also the method of processing the items and products should also be considered. Be keen in terms of choosing and purchasing your beauty essentials because not everything which has the word “natural” and “organic” are what they claim to be, it can be just a part of their marketing strategy. Enjoy your eco-friendly hunting!

Valentina Bella is a designer and fan of all things Organic and handmade, especially Peruvian Jewelry. Her favorite eco-friendly Organic Jewelry products include her Organic Gourd Necklace and earrings.

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