Good Health Starts with Good Food

Making wise choices when it comes to good is one of the best ways you can take care of yourself. Your food choices play a vital role in how you look and feel. They also play a big part in how you react to and thrive in the world around you. Healthy eating can give you energy for a busy day, help maintain your figure, and even help to level out mood swings throughout your day.

Smart food choices on a daily basis will help you look and feel your best. If you are exercising and making the wrong food choices your body will still not give you the energy you are looking for. Even the act of exercising starts with good nutrition. Muscles cannot function properly without being fed properly; so the basics of women’s health must start with good nutrition.

The basics of good nutrition include a well-rounded diet using whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean protein. These are the foods that pack the most energy for women and help control weight. Having a well-rounded diet and using the four tips below can give any woman in any stage of her life the energy she needs to live life to the fullest.

The first tip is eat on a fixed schedule. This will help you to control your cravings and boost energy by providing energy to the body when it expects it. Your food choices play a major role in your stress levels, food cravings, and energy throughout the day. Smart nutrition and healthy eating habits make it easier to control stress levels, control cravings, and feel energized from sun up to sun down.

Here are some simple ways to control cravings and boost your energy. First, don’t skip breakfast. Give your metabolism a jump start by eating a healthy breakfast. People who eat breakfast also tend to be slimmer because they have a higher metabolism and are able to control their cravings during a stressful day. Second, eat regular meals. If you go too long between meals you can get irritable and tired. This leads to you having less control over your cravings and a major dip in energy. Third, forget about the junk food and focus on complex carbohydrates as a source of energy. Baked potatoes, whole wheat, brown rice, and such will give you the energy boost you need without the inevitable low of junk food.

The second tip is to eat the right kind of carbohydrates. Just because you are dieting or eating to control your weight doesn’t mean it’s healthy to cut out all carbohydrates. Good carbohydrates, those that have not been stripped of their fiber and nutrients, will give you the fuel your body needs to fight fatigue and stay full. These include whole grain breads, brown rice, whole wheat, beans and legumes, fruit, and vegetables. Bad carbohydrates that you should limit include white flour, white rice, and sugary foods. Eating the right carbohydrates will leave you satisfied, are packed with nutrients, and provide hours of energy.

The third tip is don’t cut out all the fat! Fats are a necessary part of a healthy diet. It’s the types of fat you eat that is the key. Healthy fats, boost brain power, improve and mood, promote healthy pregnancies, contribute to healthy skin and hair, and help absorb certain vitamins, among other things. Rather than cut out all fats, just be smart about the ones you do eat. Seek out healthy fats such as those found in olive and canola oil, nuts, avocados, fish and seafood, and peanut butter. Cutting these out of your diet completely could lead to unhealthy nails and dull, flat hair, unhealthy nervous system and stress levels, and spikes in blood sugar. A little good fat goes a long way. So make sure you work a little of these good fats into a well-rounded diet.

Women’s health gets more important the older you get, but you can certainly gain from starting healthy eating habits at any age. After all, with sensible food choices, who knew we could eat our way healthy!

Dr. Hoopes is the owner of the Sweetly You Bath and Body Company. Your Source for Wholesale Bath and Body Products.

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