Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds For Healthy Eating

Hemp seeds for healthy eating should be your number one choice, here’s why.
Hemp seeds are high protein seeds that contain all nine of the essential amino acids mixed with high amounts of fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, and trace minerals. Furthermore, the seeds are very digestible which people will most likely not have that bloating feeling. Hemp is actually a step up from soy. Soy contains phytic acid which prevents us from absorbing minerals. Hemp has no phytic acid. So, as you can see, it has many benefits to offer. It comes in many different types as well.

The different forms of hemp seeds would include whole hemp seeds, hulled hemp seeds, hemp seed oil, hemp seed meal. Lets break it down at this point and see what the differences are between all of them. Whole seeds are sterilized, toasted and roasted. They can be hulled to get to the seed meat. These seeds contain gamma linolenic acid which is the only edible seeds that have this. Hulled seed can be toasted to eat or ground into flour. Hulled seeds are healthful in baked goods, protein bars, granola, sauces and dips. Also can be processed into milk, cheese, ice cream and margarine. Bird seed also contains it as well.

Hemp seed oil produces an oil that is high in essential fatty acids used in dressings, dips, and spreads for cooking. Refined oil is used for body lotion, soaps, shampoos and detergents. The body lotion actually makes your skin feel very soft. It can also be used for paints and industrial uses. And last, but not least, hemp seed meal contains 25{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} protein and an excellent source of dietary fiber which is very healthy for you.

So now that you know the variety of the hemp seeds, lets look at more benefits of them. Just adding these little ones to your daily food intake can help your energy level and your waistline. That is definitely a plus to help boost your energy levels with everyones busy schedules. Also, if you remember, hemp has amino acids. Amino acids can expel toxins from your body as well as lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It also has essential fatty acids which boost the immune system, help stabilize blood sugar levels, and balance your mood. These are great benefits!

Experiment with all kinds of different ways to add these little gems mixed in with your food. You can add them to salads or soups. Instead of almonds walnuts or pecans in baked goods such as cookies, breads, or cakes, replace it with hemp seeds. What a healthy way to go!

To learn more about Hemp Seeds, please visit our website.

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