Herbal Remedies to Clean Your Liver

Liver is one of the largest glands of human body with the primary function of clearing out the blood toxins and supplying the purified blood to the heart. At times when the liver is not functioning well it results into the ailments which affects other organs as well. The usual signs of liver dysfunction include weight loss, nausea, extreme fatigue, swelling of abdomen, edema, urine darkening and yellowing of eyes and skin. Jaundice is also a symptom of liver dysfunction.

Commonly referred to as a “filter,” the liver is actually more subtle and sophisticated than a passive filter. The liver’s main function is to act as a filter, as it rids the body of foreign toxins and impurities. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is probably the simplest, safest, most effective, and least expensive liver-nourishing herb known. All green vegetable foods benefit the liver, as does carrots, beef and chicken liver, dandelion greens, parsley, and apples.

Picrorrhiza & Phyllanthus Powerful Herbal Liver Cleansers, Detoxifiers and Toners that potentially wipe out infections, prevent diseases and facilitate healing. A healthy liver leads to a healthful life. The liver has many life sustaining functions in the body. It purifies the blood, removing harmful bacteria and infections. Liver vitamins have a great deal to contribute towards the smooth functioning of the liver. These components also contribute in a significant way in preventing several diseases. Take for example Vitamin C which improves the functioning of this vital body organ through its regenerative qualities.

Magnesium and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E have been shown to protect liver. As such, make sure sufficient amount of these should be taken. If possible, get them from food sources such as green vegetables, whole grains, pumpkin seeds and citrus fruit. Taking appetite suppressants or other weight loss aids won’t help in this case: a complete change of diet is needed. You also need to follow a detoxification program. One day fasting with hot lemon water performed once a week over a period of time can help cleanse the liver.

It appears that the highly active unique flavonoid called silymarin within the milk thistle herb is responsible for the amazing support it provides to the liver. It promotes new protein formation for the commencement of cell reproduction, regeneration and repair. In other words it has the ability to reverse liver damage and destroy toxins.

Milk thistle is a natural, traditionally used herb that supports and protects the liver, and helps in this detoxification. Silymarin is the main ingredient in milk thistle, and is a strong antioxidant that protects healthy liver cells and promotes good liver function. Milk thistle offers a wide variety of benefits.It contains Vitamin P (Flavonoids). Studies have shown that due to its Flavonoid, silymarin it has a positive effect on the liver. It can help treat hepatitis, and jaundice and can rejuvenate the liver. Gives a protective factor, guarding it against further damage from alcohol and other toxins. These substances are hard to avoid as they’re in a lot of what we eat and drink. Test have shown it could help repair damage to the liver from toxic medications and chemicals in the workplace.

Supplements containing l-glutathione are more expensive, because only the reduced form can be absorbed into the bloodstream and it must be protected from gastric acid or it will be broken down to its component amino acids, which separately are not as effective.

Researchers attention is something that’s a bit more intriguing. They are actively looking at an extract derived from milk thistle seeds known as silymarin, and how it can be used in treatments, like for example in type 2 diabetes.

Read about natural supplements Also read about rheumatism symptoms and persistent cough .

The main cause of pain is the inflammation, a defensive response which leads to swelling in the tissues.

Over 30 million Americans use drugs, such as aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen, to treat muscle cramps, headaches, sport injuries and chronic conditions like back pain, neuropathy, and arthritis.

However, the problem with these drugs is that they cause some serious side effects.

The good news is that there are natural remedies available. They are all-natural, safe to use, and extremely effective in reducing inflammation and soothing pain. Have you tried our Chronic Pain Drops  or our  Pain and Inflammation Be Gone?


White willow bark is extremely effective in treating headaches, as it contains a compound (salicin) whose effects are very similar to the ones of aspirin. It reduces inflammation like aspirin, but it is much gentler. It is recommended to take 120-240 mg standardized salicin every 3-4 hours. Please note that children under the age of 17 should not take willow bark.

Feverfew provides a long-term relief and it helps prevent headaches. It has the ability to relax blood vessels in the brain, which in turn prevents constriction, the main cause of migraines.

It is recommended to take 100-200 mg on a daily basis. It may take 1 to 2 months to see the benefits.


Boswellia, also known as frankincense, soothes both minor and chronic pains. Its active ingredients reduce the production of inflammatory compounds which are involved in many chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

You should take 750 mg on a daily basis in three divided doses.


Turmeric contains curcumin, an active ingredient which inhibits inflammatory properties and improves body`s ability to fight inflammation. It has been scientifically shown that curcumin soothes chronic pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

Take 400-600 mg of curcumin three times on a daily basis.


Ginger contains enzymes which stop the production of inflammatory compounds. For acute pain, take 2 grams of ground dehydrated ginger on a daily basis. For chronic conditions, reduce the intake to a gram of it daily divided into three doses.


Arnica has been long used for medicinal purposes, because it contains compounds which boost immunity and reduce inflammation. Topical application of arnica soothes pain and restores joint functions, just as ibuprofen does. It can be also used to treat acute injuries, including bruises, strains, sprains, and postoperative healing. For that purpose, apply arnica gel or cream 3-4 times on a daily basis.


Devil’s Claw is a native fruit of South Africa and when used as a remedy, it can help to relieve pain. Recent studies show that this fruit is very effective in reducing back pain and arthritis.

Devil’s Claw contains active ingredients which have powerful pain-relieving and inflammation-causing properties. It is recommended to take 400mg dried devil’s claw on a daily basis for natural pain relief.


Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.
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