How To Use The Antiviral Effects Of Essential Oils
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How To Use The Antiviral Effects Of Essential Oils
Scientific proof regarding the effectiveness of natural essential oils against a wide variety of viruses continues to grow. In the 1970’s, German researchers tested extracts of more than 90 species of the Lamiaceae plant family to have anti-viral actions. This discovery prompted great interest in the examination of essential oils in Europe for the treatment of viral infections. In more recent research, the essential oils distilled from these plants have demonstrated potent anti-viral properties. These concentrated forms of the plant medicine are easy-to-use, readily available, and can be highly effective in both supporting the immune system AND eradicating viruses with which they come in contact. In fact, many of the world’s leading aroma-medicine therapists believe the treatment and prevention of infectious illness to be the most important and efficacious use of essential oils. Here’s a look at which oils may be most effective for the professional and home practitioner to utilize for this purpose.
The Data Is In: Immunostimulants and Direct Anti-Viral Action of Essential Oils
For the treatment and prevention of infectious illness, essential oils are used for two purposes: the general strengthening of the immune system and the direct eradication of viruses. A great many peer-reviewed research papers have been produced showing the efficacy of essential oils for both purposes. Using the database of the National Institute of Health (www.pubmed.gov) one can review the data by searching for terms such as ‘essential oil virus’ (currently producing 93 results) or ‘essential oil immune’ (producing 143 results) and the like. Essential oils have been shown to actually increase the power of lymphocytes (the immune system’s troops, so to speak), making them better able to eliminate foreign invaders in the body (viruses, bacteria, and the like). Oils can also increase the speed at which the immune system produces antibodies to eliminate an infection.
Perhaps even more exciting is the direct effect of essential oils in actually killing viruses. To those in the natural medicine field, this is not so astounding — essential oils work as part of a plant’s immune system, and plants need to defend themselves from viruses as well. And the viruses which infect plants are not all that different from the viruses that infect humans — their envelopes and other structures are fairly similar (though with different transmission strategies), such that the mechanisms of killing the viruses will still be useful for human use. The same oils that are effective against SARS and HSV should show some, if not all of the same activity against H1N1 (also known as Swine Flu) and H5N1 (Avian influenza). At the same time, essential oils are relatively non-toxic for humans, allowing for regular use as both preventative and healing agents. In fact, when studying the anti-viral effects of essential oils, researchers found that normal cells seemed to acquire a special resistance to viral penetration, though the mechanism for this effect is not yet known. Using one or more oils topically (they are easily absorbed through the skin) or in a diffuser on a daily basis can support this effect (more on which oils to use in a minute).
Choosing the Right Oils for the Strongest Immunity
For these applications, essential oils can be characterized by the desired effect. Certain oils are considered especially effective as immunostimulants — when looking for any sort of support of the immune system, it is always crucial to take into account the vitality of one’s overall health. Obviously a person in poor health, or even in a very poor emotional state, will be more susceptible to infection than those in tip-top health. Those individuals reporting lower levels of stress will also have the best immune system function. In this regard, Frankincense essential oil, particularly Boswellia carteri species produced by carbon dioxide extraction, is considered one of the most highly effective oils. Other oils to consider to bolster one’s overall vitality (with a stronger immune system as a result) are Bergamot (highly regarded as an anti-depressant), Rosemary (for assisting detoxification, thereby lessening the load on the immune system), and Lavender (an anti-stress agent, as well as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial). These oils can be used via any classic aromatherapy method — topical massage on the feet surprisingly may be the most effective, as the feet are highly receptive both energetically and biochemically to essential oils. Diffusing these oils, again singly or in combination in a nebulizing diffuser (which makes a fine, easily evaporated mist of the oils in the air) is a simple way of protecting your entire household (the directly anti-vial oils can be used in this way as well).
The Anti-Viral Essential Oils: Melissa
The collection of scientifically validated research of the ability of essential oils to act directly against viruses has exploded in the last several years, with more interest in this field growing dramatically in 2009. Many oils have shown to be effective not only in petri dishes, but in living subjects as well. Melissa, also known as ‘Lemon Balm’ is an essential oil distilled from an herb with a long history of use in natural medicine. It is one of the only oils thought to be able to completely eradicate the Herpes Simplex virus in humans, and prevents the virus from transmitting from cell to cell. While somewhat costly (if the oil is found at a price that seems to good to be true, it is more than likely not ‘true’ Melissa), the oil is only needed in very small amounts to be effective (Dr Schnaubelt, in ‘Advanced Aromatherapy’ considers a 1:100 dilution to still retain the efficacy of the pure oil). Melissa is safe for human ingestion and direct topical application.
Melaleuca Oils from Australia
Tea Tree, because we’ve all been using for so long, slips our mind when considering oils for more ‘serious’ applications. The naturally occurring terpines in Tea Tree are among the most potent anti-viral constituents found in essential oils. Yet not all of us are very fond of Tea Tree’s aroma; what’s important to know that Tea Tree actually has a wonderful ‘nutmeggy’ aroma when it’s fresh – and Tea Tree happens to be one of the essential oils that is better tolerated when it’s fresh (if the smell is unpleasant, it’s likely old or not of good quality). The research backing the antiviral action is probably more comprehensive than any other essential oil. While aromatherapists do not consider Tea Tree the first line of defense for influenza, it could certainly be a helpful component in blends with other appropriate oils for this purpose. Also in the Melaluca family is Rosalina, or ‘Lavender Tea Tree’. This relatively new oil seems to have an exceptional balance of properties, acting as both an anti-stress agent and a potent antimicrobial. Some therapists consider this oil may be the better choice for anti-viral protection.
Essential Oils Specific for Influenza
Case studies by professional aromatherapists have been presented where oils have been matched to the symptoms of the viral infection. Oils from plants of the Myrtaceae family (Eucalyptus Radiata, Tea Tree and Ravensara) have helped in cases of respiratory tract infections. For the lower respiratory tract, Hyssop decumbens has been successfully used. Bay Laurel essential oil has been specifically noted for its ability to destroy the virus causing SARS. All these oils are excellent in combination: Eucalyptus Radiata, Ravensara aromatica, Tea Tree, Hyssop and Bay Laurel would make an absolutely wonderful, highly-potent blend for diffusion. Additional oils from the herbs of Oregano and Thyme could be added if the formula were to be used topically (Note: these oils are so strong as to possibly cause irritation of the mucus membranes if inhaled in significant quantities. They are best used along with carrier oils on the reflex points of the feet associated with the respiratory system: the bottom of the foot from the ball to the pinky toe, and directly above this on the top of the foot).
Putting It All Together
Making your own formulas for home use, whether in a diffuser or for topical application is exceptionally easy to do. Don’t be wary of mixing your own – once you do it, you’ll find it fun and educating, likely even giving you more personal ownership and understanding of the use of oils. Diffusing the oils in your environment is considered by some practitioners is considered by some therapists to be THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to use their protective effects. For this use, an example formula may be equal parts of Bay Laurel, Eucalyptus Radiata, Tea Tree, Hyssop decumbens, and Ravensara. If you find any of the aromas overwhelming, just reduce the portion of the blend of that oil. So you could just pipette 1 milliliter of each oil into a separate bottle, then use this formula in a nebulizing diffuser. The same formula can be mixed for topical application by blending 1 part of this recipe into 9 parts of a carrier oil (such as gently melted virgin Coconut oil – which is considered to have antiviral properties itself) and used as a daily foot massage. Melissa oil can be included if you wish to enhance the formula. Rubbing this blend into the areas of the body where the lymph nodes are close to the surface is also recommended: the sternum, armpits and neck are receptive areas. If you choose to use the blend in a diffuser, remember that the carrier oil should then NOT be used (it will not evaporate properly!).
The same essential oils can be mixed in a small spray bottle for traveling. Again, a 1:10 dilution in water, mixed in a 1 ounce bottle with a spray cap, vigorously shaken, can be taken along on a plane. You can mist yourself and your environment using this, and even your hotel room and rental car can be ‘treated’ with your mixture.A final note on blending and use – as essential oils are highly concentrated, be sure to keep them away from the eyes, and out of the hands of younger children (please consult a practitioner if you intend to use these formulas with the young ones; while the recipes are appropriate, the concentration of essential oil should be significantly lower for children under 12. In no case should the oils be used with infants – for more information on properly using essential oils with children, see ‘Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child’ by Valerie Ann Worwood).
Conclusion: The Case for Natural Solutions for Anti-Viral Health Support
The essential oils mentioned here are readily available, safe and easy to use. Their efficacy as anti-viral agents has a long history of use in traditional medicine, and should not be considered ineffective if one doesn’t believe in the more ‘new age’ aspects of aromatherapy. Essential oils are simply the carefully distilled, highly concentrated ‘volatile’ components of plants — and it is these same components the plants use to defend themselves from viral infection. They have long been used in Europe for just such purposes; it used to be in France that one would get an essential oil blend prescription from their doctor that was then filled at a special dispensary. The oils are not meant to replace other effectively means of preventing the spread and contraction of viral illnesses, but to complement them — as many therapists believe this may be the best use of essential oils in the medical arena, why not make use of them!
Using Essential Oils – Ultra Spiritual Life episode 33
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