AntiCancer tagged posts

Lemon Essential Oil

33 Uses for Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon is a wonderful plant not only does it taste and smell pleasing it is also considered  Anticancer, Antidepressant, Antiseptic, Antifungal, Antioxidant,  Antiviral, Astringent, Invigorating, Refreshing, and a Tonic. Lemon historically has been used to fight food poisoning, malaria, and typhoid epidemics, scurvy. Lemon has also been used to lower blood pressure and to help with liver problems, arthritis, and muscular aches and pains and the list goes on and on.

For now here are 34 uses for Lemon Essential Oil and you can start using these as soon as you get your oil.

In the Home

  1. A Cure for Laundry Neglect. Lemon essential oil takes out ALL odor when you forget and leave your load of laundry in the washer way too long!
  2. Tame Oozy, Sappy Trees. Whether the sap is on your carpet, clot...

Alternative Therapies in Science: Essential Oils Anti-Cancer Effects

The practice of ‘aroma medicine’, rather than the somewhat more vague ‘aromatherapy’, is making very strong gains in the United States. The primary reasons are twofold: Many individuals have become completely disenchanted with our current conventional medical system. We’re paying HUGE amounts of money for very questionable therapies — with many medicines having threatening health warnings (are these making us sicker while making us ‘better’?) accompanying their high price tags. At the same time, people are realizing the value of ‘traditional’ medicines may be far greater than they’ve been lead to believe...
