Ayurveda tagged posts

Ayurveda Food for a Balanced Health

This article is written for the purpose of helping people understand the significance of Ayurveda food. The food we intake is the only thing that makes a very significant impact on someone’s health. The rich food we intake the more health we will get. Along with the proper food, an efficient digestion system is also important. This is proved as a good alternative to those where myriad of medications are taken to attain good health.

Ayurveda principles state that balance among the three doshas which are basic life energy sources is the ingredients to a healthy life. Eating a healthy diet will help balance the Kapha, Vata and Pitta doshas. Basically, Ayurveda food is divided into six categories of tastes that are salty, sour, sweet, bitter, astringent, and pungent...
