Brain tagged posts

Top 10 Brain Health Foods

Certain foods with low fat and cholesterol such as blackberries and dark chocolates containing nutritions and vitamins bring a healthy life and help enhance brain power. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, a brain-healthy diet can effectively treat Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, transfer blood flow to the brain. There are variety of natural foods, drinks, herbs and supplemental products containing brain & body improving properties, the following list includes the best brain health food for humans.

Apples are the wealthy source of quercetin, an antioxidant plant chemical preserving water to protect your brain cells. An apple each day helps prevent your brain from free radical attacks...


Food For Your Brain Health

Food For Your Brain Health

In order to have the freedom to live out your plans and dreams for the future, you need to stay strong, healthy, and empowered. Critical to this is the health of your brain.

Some areas where you can make changes to optimize your brain are with food and supplements, physical exercise, sleep, our emotional state, brain stimulation, and the importance of living on purpose.

In this article I’m focusing on the major difference food can make on your brain health.

You want to do your best to choose food that is premium fuel for your body. You are what you eat. Many people don’t realize that all of your cells renew themselves every five months. Your diet is an important part of having those cells grow healthfully.

The best diet for the support of the brain is one that is...
