Cure tagged posts

hemp plants

Did Hemp Oil – Marijuana Fail to Cure Cancer This Time?

Did Hemp Oil – Marijuana Fail to Cure Cancer This Time?

In the last several years there has been five scientific journals published prominent articles trumpeting cannabinoids (compounds in marijuana) as potential anti-cancer agents.

1. January 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Society of Clinical Investigation that found cannabinoids significantly inhibit skin tumor growth in mice. Investigators of the study concluded, “The present data indicate that local cannabinoids administration may constitute an alternative therapeutic approach for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer.”

2. March 2003 issue of The FASEB Journal that found that the “local administration of a non-psychoactive cannabinoid inhibits angiogenesis (tissue growth) of malignant gliomas (brain tumors).



Cure Oils is the leading online resource for essential oil use

Cure Oils is the leading online resource for essential oil use

Essential oils have long played a role in our physical and emotional well-being. Not only can certain scents bring about peace and tranquility or boost energy, they can also treat various medical conditions and improve your overall health. They can be used as a supplement to traditional healthcare practices in order to trigger your body’s natural healing processes.

Unlike most conventional medications, essential oils are not introduced into the body and absorbed into the bloodstream, they work on our olfactory cells in the nose and our sensory cells in our skin to impact our brains to trigger specific responses...
