Delicious tagged posts

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp Seed Oil: Healthy and Delicious

Hemp Seed Oil: Healthy and Delicious

Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seed of Cannabis sativa, commonly known as marijuana. The preparation used as a psychoactive drug (the highly publicized face of marijuana) actually uses the dried flowers and subtending leaves and stalks, not the seed. Versatile hemp seed oil has very low to undetectable levels of any of the psychoactive components called cannabinoids, making it safe to use in a variety of ways. The plant is also very hardy with a natural resistance to pests, which makes it an easy plant to grow organically without pesticides or herbicides. Refined hemp seed oil has primarily been used in body care products, but the unrefined oil has an attractive, nutty flavor, which makes it a great culinary alternative to other cooking oils.



Hemp Deodorant – Skin Deep But Not Only Delicious Smelling

It is most likely not what you are considering. What I mean, is that hemp deodorant is very much available today, however the power in its functionality is very different from the traditional deodorants you may have come across, including:

1. Aerosol spray ons

2. Roll on packs

Let us face it, you know the spray cans are not good for your skin (tonnes of literature available out there for your review), however we put up with them because they provide our bodies with temporarily good fragrances. Additionally, the roll on products can get gritty and gross and can cause itches to the underarm.Then once you sweat and it mixes with the chemicals, it has a very off-putting smell. Kind of like, a rotten orange?

Generically speaking, many deodorant products are developed to be mostly applicable to ...


How to Find Delicious and Affordable Health Food Shops in London

How to Find Delicious and Affordable Health Food Shops in London

When it comes to enjoying weekend with some flavors, the Londoners at all times try to locate such food shops in their area, which offer delicious health foods at affordable price. Since, in London there are numbers of stops for food and beverages, but without knowing about their offerings, it can be of no use to step in such shops. If you are planning to spend sweet and healthful moments with your family this weekend, locate such food shop which offer ultimate and nutritious food stuffs. In order to lessen your efforts in search of a health food shop in London, some directory websites are offering their virtual directory having full details of required shops...
