Food tagged posts


Pumpkin Rice – Children’s Health Food

Pumpkins are very popular in cooking. It can be fried, boiled, steamed, baked and even roasted. Small pumpkins can be eaten as squash or zucchini. Mashed pumpkin can be used in soup. In Middle East, pumpkin is used for making desserts such as halawa and yaqtin. In China, the leaves of pumpkin are used as an ingredient in soups. In India, kadu ka halwa is made from pumpkin, butter, sugar and other spices. In Japan, some take the pumpkin to serve as tempura. In Australia, pumpkin is commonly roasted before consumed. In Italy, pumpkin is used with cheeses for ravioli. In Thailand, small pumpkins are steamed with custard, sugar and coconut milk mix to become a Thai dessert – pumpkin custard.

Usually, kids like to eat pumpkin...


Taking The Health Out Of Health Food


So you thought your health food was healthy? Think again, it is not as healthy as you were let on to believe. So let’s take a look at some of these so called health foods and look at how you can determine if you food is healthy.


I used to think peanuts (actually legumes) were healthy, but when I went healthy and stopped eating processed foods to reduce my Omega-6 exposure, I found that peanuts are very high in Omega-6. So now I feed my peanuts to my dog Merlot, she loves them.

So what is wrong with Omega-6? For over 100 years we have been consuming processed foods, which is rich in Omega-6, in fact we have so much Omega-6 we are at risk of autoimmune disease...


Health-Friendly Soul Food

Who doesn’t like Soul Food?

The old way of cooking soul food resulted in health problems for many African Americans, like high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Dishes are being prepared very differently these days because of all the negative health consequences of the old methods. Advanced cooking methods and healthier ingredients are being used now to make dishes that are lighter and leaner.

This is not the same as your grandmothers soul food, which was full of unhealthy animal fat. This newer approach attempts to maintain the hearty flavors and satisfying textures produced by the older methods. What you want is to make the great classic dishes without harming your health.

For one thing, modern soul food meals don’t include the classic, artery-clogging fatback...


Certain Food for Good Health

Certain Food for Good Health

If one wants to be in good health, perhaps one of the most important ideas is for that person to have balance regularly with what he or she eats. Amongst the things a person might want to include in his or her eating habits is oatmeal mixed with cinnamon. The point is to prepare around 2 cups of oatmeal shortly after waking up and mix a little more than a teaspoon of cinnamon, and ‘fridge it. You’d then gradually finish it throughout the day to help relieve your appetite. This would also obviously give you the health benefits which oatmeal and cinnamon have to offer.

Fruits and vegetables are obviously good for your health, and you ought to consider having them on a regular basis...


Food For Your Brain Health

Food For Your Brain Health

In order to have the freedom to live out your plans and dreams for the future, you need to stay strong, healthy, and empowered. Critical to this is the health of your brain.

Some areas where you can make changes to optimize your brain are with food and supplements, physical exercise, sleep, our emotional state, brain stimulation, and the importance of living on purpose.

In this article I’m focusing on the major difference food can make on your brain health.

You want to do your best to choose food that is premium fuel for your body. You are what you eat. Many people don’t realize that all of your cells renew themselves every five months. Your diet is an important part of having those cells grow healthfully.

The best diet for the support of the brain is one that is...


Raw Food Health

Raw Food Health

The interest in raw food health is growing. What do I mean by “raw food health?” Simply that amazing positive changes in health can often be achieved when one turns to a diet that consists mostly of raw vegetables and fruits.

Is there any evidence of this? There sure is.

Disease happens inside the human body for various reasons. There are causes for disease. And the cause just may be with the foods we’re eating.

I’ve been privileged to discover the human body can often rid itself of much disease … in an almost miraculous way. If you know anyone who is now battling disease then there is hope … in the same way there was hope for tens of thousands of individuals who found out the same thing I did.

Somewhere back in the mid-1990s, my mother-in-law came to our house for a visit...


Your New Health Food

Your New Health Food

It seems like these days, healthy eating has become such a multi-billion-dollar industry that everyone knows what it’s like to get bombarded by ‘The New Health Food!’ ads for Acai whatnot and Goji Berry thingamajig. It’s an unfortunate aspect of our pharmaceutical culture that we’ve learned to look for cures for specific ills, and we treat food the same way. Cranberries for UTIs, carrots for vision problems, prunes for constipation…we’re treating food like it’s medicine, and it’s failing us. We need a new health food regimen.

It’s true that Hippocrates said “Make food your medicine and medicine your food”, but that’s not what he meant. By eating right in general — every day — we prevent far more illnesses than we could ever hope to treat...

food storage

Long-Term Food Storage Ideas

Long-Term Food Storage Ideas

How long can you live without food and water? Thinking about all the catastrophic hurricane events that have hit Florida, Puerto Rica and the Caribbean Islands this month and all those people with no water, power for maybe six months or more and maybe food shortages brings me to this topic of long term food storage.

It is never a bad idea to have at least a small stockpile of food in the event of an emergency. Inclement weather events, power outages, and other disasters could make finding food outside of your home nearly impossible. Having something to fall back on is a smart and safe plan.

Why Should You Have Long-Term Food Storage?

How about Hurricanes and floods. Consider this very realistic scenario: What if you were caught in a long-term power outage (lik...


Best Food for Health

Best Food for Health

Health foods are foods that can meet at least three of the following criteria including a good or excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, high amount in phytonutrients and antioxidant compounds such as vitamins A and E and beta carotene, reducing the risk of heart disease and other health conditions, being low in calorie density, meaning you get a larger portion size with a fewer number of calories, and so on. The following foods that can be available everywhere and are regarded as the healthiest foods for people:

1. Sweet Potatoes

It is one of the best vegetables you can eat because they contain carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

Sweet potatoes

2. Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruit is great-tasting and rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and fi...

Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seed: Most Nutritious Food On Earth For Weight Reduction

Hemp Seed: Most Nutritious Food On Earth For Weight Reduction

Hemp seeds, contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, nor has the essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet human nutritional needs.

Because hemp seed is the most nutritionally complete food on earth and contains a huge amount of food value per calorie consumed we are discussing it in our quest to learn the best way to lose weight and belly fat.

About 30-35{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} of the weight of hemp seed is hemp seed oil, an edible oil that contains about 80{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d7...
