GMO tagged posts

GMO Food – The Weapon Against The Human Species

GMO Food – The Weapon Against The Human Species

Since Obama signed the Monsanto Protection Act on March 29, 2013 I have read many articles pertaining to the dislike of the act and signed petitions to have it over turned or repealed. Some of you may not understand what all the hoopla is about this act or why others are so upset by it. I hope this article will help to clear the air somewhat for you.

Some of you may be asking just what is this GMO Food The Weapon Against The Human Species.

In case you don’t know what GMO means it is a genetically modified organism or a plant that has had its DNA injected scientifically to make it change. This is very different from the ages old cross breeding of crops of the same species, two types of tomatoes cross bred to get another third type of tomato.
