Happening tagged posts

Happening Hemp – 10 Uses For This Hardy Plant

Hemp is one of the oldest known plants cultivated for an industrial purpose. It can be traces all the way back to 8000 BC in the Middle East and China. The fiber from the hemp plant was used to make a variety of textiles, and the seeds were eaten. Hemp has a long history of being very versatile and very useful. The Latin name, Cannabis sativa, means useful, so this little plant most definitely lives up to its name. Hemp is used in thousands of items and commodities.

1. The Uses For Hemp

– Sails
– Canvas
– Nets
– Rigging
– Clothes
– Paper
– Twine
– And much more

2. Hemp The Amazing Plant

Hemp isn’t the same as Marijuana. Hemp only looks like its cousin – the two are very dissimilar in nature. Hemp is tall and most of the leaves are at the top and grow very close together...
