Health tagged posts

Food For Your Brain Health

Food For Your Brain Health

In order to have the freedom to live out your plans and dreams for the future, you need to stay strong, healthy, and empowered. Critical to this is the health of your brain.

Some areas where you can make changes to optimize your brain are with food and supplements, physical exercise, sleep, our emotional state, brain stimulation, and the importance of living on purpose.

In this article I’m focusing on the major difference food can make on your brain health.

You want to do your best to choose food that is premium fuel for your body. You are what you eat. Many people don’t realize that all of your cells renew themselves every five months. Your diet is an important part of having those cells grow healthfully.

The best diet for the support of the brain is one that is...


Raw Food Health

Raw Food Health

The interest in raw food health is growing. What do I mean by “raw food health?” Simply that amazing positive changes in health can often be achieved when one turns to a diet that consists mostly of raw vegetables and fruits.

Is there any evidence of this? There sure is.

Disease happens inside the human body for various reasons. There are causes for disease. And the cause just may be with the foods we’re eating.

I’ve been privileged to discover the human body can often rid itself of much disease … in an almost miraculous way. If you know anyone who is now battling disease then there is hope … in the same way there was hope for tens of thousands of individuals who found out the same thing I did.

Somewhere back in the mid-1990s, my mother-in-law came to our house for a visit...


Your New Health Food

Your New Health Food

It seems like these days, healthy eating has become such a multi-billion-dollar industry that everyone knows what it’s like to get bombarded by ‘The New Health Food!’ ads for Acai whatnot and Goji Berry thingamajig. It’s an unfortunate aspect of our pharmaceutical culture that we’ve learned to look for cures for specific ills, and we treat food the same way. Cranberries for UTIs, carrots for vision problems, prunes for constipation…we’re treating food like it’s medicine, and it’s failing us. We need a new health food regimen.

It’s true that Hippocrates said “Make food your medicine and medicine your food”, but that’s not what he meant. By eating right in general — every day — we prevent far more illnesses than we could ever hope to treat...


Best Food for Health

Best Food for Health

Health foods are foods that can meet at least three of the following criteria including a good or excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, high amount in phytonutrients and antioxidant compounds such as vitamins A and E and beta carotene, reducing the risk of heart disease and other health conditions, being low in calorie density, meaning you get a larger portion size with a fewer number of calories, and so on. The following foods that can be available everywhere and are regarded as the healthiest foods for people:

1. Sweet Potatoes

It is one of the best vegetables you can eat because they contain carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

Sweet potatoes

2. Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruit is great-tasting and rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and fi...

Organic Supplements

Nourish your body with best health supplements

Nourish your body with best health supplements

Owing to the fast pace in which most people lead their lives, it is difficult to manage a healthy and balanced diet. Lack of time forces professionals and businessmen to resort to fast food. As a result, nutritional deficiencies occur and lead to other consequences that might need long term treatment in both adults and children. Health food stores around the country have solutions to the rising nutritional issues amongst men, women and children.

Nourishment for Men

The energy demands of men are more compared to that of women. There are differences in the metabolic rates as well. The activity levels of men call for more nutritional demands than women. This has resulted in the increase in number of supplements for men...

green parrot

Take control of your health this spring at Green Parrot

Take control of your health this spring at Green Parrot

Hopefully we’re not speaking too soon, but Spring does now actually seem to be heroically trying to make itself visible to us through the mist and murk of another decidedly chilly winter. In our still damp fields, hedgerows and gardens, daffodils and snowdrops are beginning to appear, pretty promises of the warmer weather that is hopefully soon to come. And here at Green Parrot Swaffham, we’re as ready as ever to do all we can to ensure you’re ready to enjoy the (with any luck) balmy days of the new season in the best possible health.

Looking around, there’s never been more information available on how we can all eat in ways that maintain or improve our health. Food based programmes abound on radio, television and even the internet...

fork food

Why Online Health Stores Are Preferable?

Why Online Health Stores Are Preferable?

Dealing with everyday health concerns and doing everything we can, to avoid them becomes the supreme effort with the onset of life. As a person is born, the process of aging outsets. Even the smallest allergies can affect your immunity to a certain extent. “Health Is Wealth” is often said but is one hundred percent true. People of all ages aspire to have zero health issues and longevity filled with happiness and happiness only. The ever increasing concern for health related issues can be accurately answered with the regular intake of nutrients. The sheer busyness in daily schedule stops you from taking a healthy diet even for one out of three meals a day.

So what you can do to ensure your life with no diseases or even the existence of any such possi...

organic supplements

Shop for the Quality Natural Food and Health Supplements Online

Have you tried to shop for the quality natural food and health supplements online?

As per a popular idiom, ‘health is wealth’. But in this fast paced world, it has become very difficult to be fit and energetic all the time due to high stress level and busy routine. The doctors suggest many simple things to be done by a person on a day to day basis but it gets difficult and the person ends up feeling unhealthy and low with energy most of the time. Is there any practical solution for this problem? Yes, there is a solution in the form of natural health food which is nothing but an easy way to take care of one’s health even while one is busy and unable to perform the tedious tasks in detail.

In this era of internet and online communication, there is no limit on the number of websites that are ...


The Various Benefits of Consuming Natural Health Foods

The Various Benefits of Consuming Natural Health Foods

Nowadays, more and more people around the world are realizing the importance of a healthy diet. Overdependence on fast food has led to a massive increase in obesity, diabetes and other health problems all over the world. Most fast food chains use high amounts of oil to make their food, which leads to high cholesterol and heart diseases as well.

There are a number of natural health food products available in the market these days. These products promise to be just as tasty and filling as fast food items, and do not cause any harm to the body. While apple chips, organic fruit preserves, etc. are partially processed foods, they do provide almost as many benefits as the real thing.

Foods like burgers, fries, cheese, and certain desserts ha...


Meteoric Growth Of Organic Health Foods And Supplements In Toronto

Meteoric Growth Of Organic Health Foods And Supplements In Toronto

In today’s information age, people are becoming more and more aware of the food they buy and consume as well as the effects of the medications they take. They are well aware of the values of exercise, moderation in food and drink, and how to improve or modify their lifestyle.

Reasons For Using Health Food Products

It is for these reasons that an ever growing number of households have started buying organic vegetables and fruits instead of the ones grown with fertilizers and harmful pesticides. Research has shown that some medications and diseases are proving to be resistant to the latest offerings from pharmaceutical companies...
