Holistic tagged posts

Holistic Medicine

Really Holistic Healing

Really holistic healing includes western allopathic healing, as well as Ayur Vedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other ancient and more recent healing techniques. I read the other day that science was invented 500 years or so ago, in Europe. That is utterly ridiculous. Indian, Chinese and Persian civilizations have been building hospitals and providing scientific healing techniques for thousands of years.

They may not use the exact philosophy and procedures that western science does, but to imply that eastern science is inferior to western science is just arrogant hubris.

Right now, the US government is debating the nationalization of health care. I am actually kind of neutral about that. I hear good arguments on both sides...


Holistic Dentist Alternatives

What are Holistic Dentist Alternatives?

Finding a Dentist in Baton Rouge does not have to be a difficult process, so if you need a dentist please see the following: http://www.sunshinepages.com/.   A holistic dentist is the choice of many patients who prefer a more alternative approach. The term “holistic” refers to a whole body approach where each component is related to the others. This approach leans toward the belief that nutrition and mental health play a large role in the health of the teeth, gums and mouth. More natural methods, rather than just prescription drugs, are utilized in this practice. Some examples of items used to improve health may include herbs, supplements, vitamins and minerals.

With a holistic dentist pain management may be controlled with techniques that are ...

holistic healing

Holistic Healing

Holistic Healing

The goal of Holistic Healing is not only to make you feel better but to improve the overall quality of your life. As the name suggests, Holistic Medicine, tries to develop a sense of well being for the entire body and mind. The holistic approach is meant not only to create a healthy person but a happy one as well. The philosophy behind the movement is that all aspects of the body must be in harmony for a person to be truly content.

When diagnosing a patient, the holistic healer tries to assemble a complete picture of that person’s life. They will look far beyond the symptoms of the ailments which the patient is suffering and examine their relationships with others as well as factors like their spiritual well being...
