immune system tagged posts

Garlic Plays An Important Role in Benefiting Your Immune System

While you might find it a bit pungent and gross, garlic is a very important herb that you should be adding to your cooking or even eating raw, because it has many health benefits, especially when it comes to your immune system. Garlic

It has a lot of uses in cooking, because it’s a great seasoning and adds a lot of flavor, though it does have a pretty distinct scent to it. One of the most important things that garlic does for your immune system is increase the number of white blood cells that you have.

These cells are responsible for finding, targeting, and killing off foreign cells that carry disease, and they’re your strongest defense against illness. Without enough of them, your body can get overwhelmed by the infection, leading to you becoming sick.

By eating garlic and boosting your num...


Can Essential Oils Boost Your Immune System?

Essential oils have been somewhat controversial in recent years. While some people swear by them, others have denounced them as being scams. There’s some validity to both sides.

While some have had genuine success in using oils, there are people out there who market it to do way more than it actually can. Essential oils can help with a lot, but not everything.

Many people wonder whether or not these oils can help boost your immune system. Currently, the extent of the effect of oils on your immune system hasn’t been very well researched.

It’s still a fairly new scientific endeavor, even though people have been using them for years...
