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healthy lifestyle

25 Life Saving Health Secrets

Healthy Living is the number one goal among North Americans. However, 80{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} of the population do not know that cooking healthy, eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, and making healthy choices can mean the difference between life and death. I have written this health and fitness article so that people can make healthy choices for their own personal health care and well being.

Here are 25 ways to eat and drink healthy:

1. Do not drink iced water, especially not with meals. This interferes with flow of your digestive juices and impairs digestion.

2. Drink a cup of fresh pure water, at room temperature, the first thing in the morning and last thing at night. You should drink it hot only when you are constipated...


How to get the best essential oils for healthy life

Essential oils are safe and the best anti septic replacement for traditional anti bacterial treatment. These essential oils are natural and very effective in avoiding the septic in wounded human skin. There is not any chemical content in these aromatherapy essential oils. It is 100 percent natural that is created by the every part of plants. These natural qualities of aromatherapy essential oils give the healing power to the human and strengthen them. Traditional anti septic ointments are really harmful due to huge number of chemicals in that. But these essential oils are natural and there are not any chemicals. It is not harmful to the human health. These aromatherapy essential oils have numerous amounts of rich vitamins, minerals and proteins that keep the human body healthier...
