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A Look At Pure Essential Oils

Pure essential oils have been used for many years and within a wide variety of applications too. Arguably one of the most important uses today is within the application of aromatherapy and massages that are in turn classified in the ‘new age’ or alternative healing category. Additionally these natural products are used within a number of beauty and health items, such as soaps, perfumes, and so forth.

These essential oils are obtained from plants or even trees, such as Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and so forth. In terms of understanding these pure essential oils, a look at the actual name provides all we need to know, in that the essential part refers to the ‘essence’ of the plant from which the oil is obtained...


A Realistic Look At Essential Oils And Aromatherapy

Essential oils are one of the vital ingredients in aromatherapy, a hugely popular variety of alternative medicine that has seen a marked comeback in recent years. Aromatherapy uses ‘volatile’ oils and other substances extracted from plants to aid in the promotion of both physical and mental well-being in an individual.

Essential oils are extracted from plants, usually using distillation. The oils may be extracted from any section of the plant, including leaves, flowers, roots, resin and peel.

The oils are usually sold in small, glass bottles, but can be bought in a number of forms. Usually they are released into the air by heating over a candle, burned as incense, or it is even possible to put some on a piece of cloth so it naturally defuses into the air.

Alternatively, essential oils can ...

Lemon Essential Oil

A Seasonal Look At Cooking With Essential Oils

Have you tried cooking with essential oils? If not, continue reading to find out how you can put some new zing in your old favorites. Now that summer is officially here, our home gardens are in their heyday. Spring’s greens have already sprouted and given us the first gifts of the season, like bitter dandelion leaves, soft lettuces and nutrient-rich spinach. Now it’s peas and squash, strawberries and raspberries. Last season you risked it and planted watermelon (and oh, what a harvest you had!). This summer you’re branching out to cooking herbs and thinking of buying a backyard composting bin for all of your fertile scraps...

Nutiva Hemp Protein

A Detailed Look at Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein

Have you tried Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein? There are many types of protein supplements, but not everybody is aware of hemp protein. If you are seeking a vegetarian type of protein containing all eight amino acids, hemp protein is a good choice. Everyone likes different types of protein for various reasons, but hemp surely has its advantages. Nutiva makes many varieties of hemp protein, and in this review we are going to be looking at the benefits and drawbacks of Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein.

Hemp protein is from the plant known as cannabis sativa. It’s most commonly known as the source for marijuana; hemp, however doesn’t have any psychoactive effects. In addition, they will not cause you to flunk a drug test, as some people may be thinking about...
