Menstrual Symptoms tagged posts

Have You Tried Essential Oils for Menstrual Cramps or Achy Joints

Menstrual cramps, muscle spasms, and the aches and pains that accompany PMS and menstruation can affect a woman’s ability to enjoy her life. Though “period symptoms” during the menstrual cycle are often thought of as insignificant and no big deal, there are many women who suffer every single month and aren’t able to live a full life during this time and would do almost anything for a little pain relief.

Fortunately, if you are faced with menstrual cramps, achy joints, and other unpleasant symptoms associated with your period, there are safe, natural, and effective ways to manage the problem. Essential oils are one example.

How Can Essential Oils be Used to Ease Menstrual Cramps and Aches and Pains?

There are several ways essential oils can be used to help when you have cramps relat...
