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Tea Tree

What Four Essential Oils That Are More Powerful Than Antibiotics?

Did you know there are four essential oil that are considered more powerful then antibiotics? Actually there are more but these would be the top picks. On this blog you will find many articles about essential oils and how to use them. But today’s new blog will show you why four particular essential oils can be better than antibiotics in some cases. I am referring to an excellent article from the Nutritional Watchdog Mike Geary a Certified Nutrition Specialist Four essential oils that are more powerful than antibiotics 

Antibiotic overuse is creating monstrous superbugs that can cause incurable infections, serious illnesses, amputations, and even death...

Lemon Essential Oil

How Organic Essential Oils Are More Beneficial?

Essential oils or aromatherapy oils are widely used worldwide. Aromatherapy is an alternative way of medicine and deals in curative functions with the help of essential oils. These essential oils are used in various forms as inhalers, diffusers and massage oils and butters etc. There are several health benefits of these oils and the most interesting part about essential oils is that they do not have any side effect on human body. All these essential oils are herbal and natural products and thus are the best gift of nature to mankind. With the increase in awareness about natural products and their usages for people there have been several evolutions in these essential oils too. With advancement people have emphasized on the use of organic essential oils...
