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Hemp Oil

What is Hemp Oil and Why Do People Use it?

What is hemp oil,what is it used for and why do people use it?

According to one definition, “Hemp oil or hemp seed oil is obtained by pressing hemp seeds. Cold pressed, unrefined hemp oil is dark to clear light green in color, with a nutty flavor. The darker the color, the grassier the flavor. Hemp seed oil is manufactured from varieties of Cannabis sativa that do not contain significant amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).”

To turn that hemp oil into a product that can be used for commercial purposes, it needs to go through a manufacturing process that would clean the seed by 99.99{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} before pressing the oil.

CBDs, short for cannabinoids, are products that include hemp oil...
