spring tagged posts

green parrot

Take control of your health this spring at Green Parrot

Take control of your health this spring at Green Parrot

Hopefully we’re not speaking too soon, but Spring does now actually seem to be heroically trying to make itself visible to us through the mist and murk of another decidedly chilly winter. In our still damp fields, hedgerows and gardens, daffodils and snowdrops are beginning to appear, pretty promises of the warmer weather that is hopefully soon to come. And here at Green Parrot Swaffham, we’re as ready as ever to do all we can to ensure you’re ready to enjoy the (with any luck) balmy days of the new season in the best possible health.

Looking around, there’s never been more information available on how we can all eat in ways that maintain or improve our health. Food based programmes abound on radio, television and even the internet...
