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green parrot

Take control of your health this spring at Green Parrot

Take control of your health this spring at Green Parrot

Hopefully we’re not speaking too soon, but Spring does now actually seem to be heroically trying to make itself visible to us through the mist and murk of another decidedly chilly winter. In our still damp fields, hedgerows and gardens, daffodils and snowdrops are beginning to appear, pretty promises of the warmer weather that is hopefully soon to come. And here at Green Parrot Swaffham, we’re as ready as ever to do all we can to ensure you’re ready to enjoy the (with any luck) balmy days of the new season in the best possible health.

Looking around, there’s never been more information available on how we can all eat in ways that maintain or improve our health. Food based programmes abound on radio, television and even the internet...

hemp plants

Did Hemp Oil – Marijuana Fail to Cure Cancer This Time?

Did Hemp Oil – Marijuana Fail to Cure Cancer This Time?

In the last several years there has been five scientific journals published prominent articles trumpeting cannabinoids (compounds in marijuana) as potential anti-cancer agents.

1. January 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Society of Clinical Investigation that found cannabinoids significantly inhibit skin tumor growth in mice. Investigators of the study concluded, “The present data indicate that local cannabinoids administration may constitute an alternative therapeutic approach for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer.”

2. March 2003 issue of The FASEB Journal that found that the “local administration of a non-psychoactive cannabinoid inhibits angiogenesis (tissue growth) of malignant gliomas (brain tumors).


hemp sandals

Buying A Green Sandal This Summer? Try Hemp Sandals

Buying A Green Sandal This Summer? Try Hemp Sandals

When you decide to go green, you have to agree that nothing compares to the contributions made by the plant kingdom. The one thing you cannot beat is the comfort that comes with the use of organic substances/materials like bamboo and hemp.

Hemp is being used extensively the world over, for the edge it has over synthetic materials in aesthetics and comfort. In footwear the hemp eco friendly sandals are a rave with people of all age groups and every strata of life. Hemp sandals are being manufactured and designed by apparel line ups and exclusive footwear designer brands.

Tapping potential from the plant kingdom

The plant fiber is being treated to meet your demands in color and texture...


Natural Health Food: What This Is

Natural Health Food: What This Is

The term natural health food refers to foods which are considered naturally grown and raised. Several consumers are finding that they prefer natural health food to avoid pesticides and other unnatural consequences of modern ranching and farming. Natural health food offers consumers more options in the food market that let them decide which type of product that they would like.

What is Natural Health Food?

Natural health food is food that suits the FDA’s description of naturally grown. It can refer to livestock too, as livestock that is permitted to graze in fields that have not been sprayed by pesticides or given either hormone injections to improve size or antibiotics which are used to avoid common diseases...


Hemp Seed Food Products – Check This Out Before You Eat It

Hemp Seed Food Products - Check This Out Before You Eat It

Hemp Seed Food Products – Check This Out Before You Eat It

If you’re reading this article you’re most likely either searching to either purchase hemp food products, or you’re interested in educating yourself as to the nutritional qualities of the good before taking up on it.

Therefore, this article will help you educate yourself about the benefits of hemp food products so that you can make the decision that is best for you. It is not often that people wonder about hemp seed, but to start let us take a look at what it can do for you if consumed internally.

Firstly, if you are looking to find a steady and reliable protein source that is superior to animal meats (i.e...


Hemp Protein – Can This Whole-Food Protein Source Match Or Exceed The “Star-Power” of Whey?

Hemp Protein – Can This Whole-Food Protein Source Match Or Exceed The “Star-Power” of Whey?

When you hear the word “hemp,” generally the last thing that comes to mind is protein and bodybuilding. Without going into detail on the other “psychoactive” strains of hemp, it’s time you learned more about what hemp can do for you from a nutritional point of view. I know I was very surprised to learn how complete a food hemp is!

I personally tested a hemp protein supplement for a period of 2 months, using NO other supplemental protein source. It was tough to give up the whey that had I been using for many years but, to give hemp a fair trial, I needed to be sure that the results wouldn’t be affected by other supplemental protein sources.

So for 2 months, it was just hemp protein…

Now, hemp is one ...


Happening Hemp – 10 Uses For This Hardy Plant

Hemp is one of the oldest known plants cultivated for an industrial purpose. It can be traces all the way back to 8000 BC in the Middle East and China. The fiber from the hemp plant was used to make a variety of textiles, and the seeds were eaten. Hemp has a long history of being very versatile and very useful. The Latin name, Cannabis sativa, means useful, so this little plant most definitely lives up to its name. Hemp is used in thousands of items and commodities.

1. The Uses For Hemp

– Sails
– Canvas
– Nets
– Rigging
– Clothes
– Paper
– Twine
– And much more

2. Hemp The Amazing Plant

Hemp isn’t the same as Marijuana. Hemp only looks like its cousin – the two are very dissimilar in nature. Hemp is tall and most of the leaves are at the top and grow very close together...
