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essential oils

Understanding the importance of pure herbal essential oils

Understanding the importance of pure herbal essential oils

In the first place you must know that essential oils are not really oils that you find around you. Essential oils do not contain any fatty acids. In this regard, they are far different from the conventional oils that are made of fatty acids. Essential oils can be described as highly concentrated plant constituents that are endowed with a number of therapeutic as well as cosmetic qualities. In fact essential oils are the life force or the soul of the plants from which they are extracted. Most kind of essential oils have amazing antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral characteristics. They can be excellent components in your home made cleaning preparations...

pine essential oil

Understanding Essential Oils: A Primer On Their Chemical Nature

Understanding Essential Oils: A Primer On Their Chemical Nature

Uh oh. Chemistry – the word itself can make one’s eyes glaze over. But wait, this is “essential oil chemistry’. MUCH more fun! While even beginning aromatherapy students are put off by the mere mention of the subject, they eventually realize the importance of understanding at least the fundamentals. The basics of essential oil chemistry will help you appreciate what gives a fine oil its unique aroma, help you more carefully discern a good oil from a second-rate one, and can improve your practice of using essential oils therapeutically. The greatest benefits of essential oils lies in their potential for true medicinal applications, where their antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties are effectively utilized...


Understanding The Misunderstood: Learning The Long List Of Benefits From Hemp

Understanding The Misunderstood: Learning The Long List

Of Benefits From Hemp

For thousands of years people have been using hemp. Its just a sad fact that we have abandoned it to idleness for many years, discarding the advantages we could have enjoyed a long time ago.

For hundreds of years, the great minds have talked about this wonder plant looking to make us realise how beneficial it can be if just we choose to understand what they’re looking to offer us. Indeed, things will be difficult to understand without asking any valid questions that will dig deeper on the subject. To start with, let us know the origin of this plant.

What’s hemp? Where did it come from? Who discovered the plant? Where could it be used? These are the question which would at least clarify few questions which created...
