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How Essential Oils Work

How Essential Oils Work

Aromatherapy has been gaining a lot of popularity lately and more and more people are enjoying the perils of essential oils. There are many skeptics out there but at the same time there are millions of people who swear about the beneficial effects of essential oils used in aromatherapy.

The way essential oils work is by stimulating the limbic system of our brain. Every oil has a different impact because every scent influences a different part of our brain. As a result of the impact on the limbic system essential oils give out benefits for different parts of our body.

The way essential oils are applied is through a massage. What happens then is that the oils are absorbed by the skin or inhaled. Then they travel through the blood stream reaching organs of the body.



Essential Oils: How Do Essential Oils Work?

Essential Oils: How Do Essential Oils Work?

Essential oils enter the body in two main ways. Most commonly they enter via the nose and our sense of smell identifies the smells and sends messages to the brain via the olfactory glands. This is where the therapeutic process begins. The effects such as relaxation or refreshment, of stimulating memories or giving a sense of relief or well being, can differ from one person to another. Some oils, such as Geranium, are known as “adaptogenic” and can have different effects on the same people at different times.

Getting the smell of oils to the nasal passage can be done by putting a few drops on a tissue, a few drops well stirred into a hot bath, using a water based candle oil burner or an electric diffuser that can fan the smells around a room.

