essential oils

Understanding the importance of pure herbal essential oils

Understanding the importance of pure herbal essential oils

In the first place you must know that essential oils are not really oils that you find around you. Essential oils do not contain any fatty acids. In this regard, they are far different from the conventional oils that are made of fatty acids. Essential oils can be described as highly concentrated plant constituents that are endowed with a number of therapeutic as well as cosmetic qualities. In fact essential oils are the life force or the soul of the plants from which they are extracted. Most kind of essential oils have amazing antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral characteristics. They can be excellent components in your home made cleaning preparations. Some of the essential oils that are widely used in cleaning preparations include lemon, grapefruit, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, lavender and rosemary.

Essential oils are actually highly miniscule in their molecular size. For this reason, they are very easily absorbed by the surface of the skin. Therefore, they are some of the most excellent ingredients in a wide range of personal care products that can heal, soften and nourish. One good thing about them is that they do not get accumulated in the human body over time. They just do their job, bestow the advantages of their healing power and pass on through.

A number of research studies have revealed that rosemary essential oil can significantly improve the performance of your brain. Especially, smelling rosemary oil can help in improving the memory. This has been scientifically verified and proved by administering recall and performance tests to a number of individuals under experimental conditions. This will give you an idea of the benefits contained in various essential oils in a scientific way. Also, some other tests have shown that those groups that had inhaled either rosemary or lavender essential oil experienced a deep sense of relaxation over those that did not inhale anything.

You must be able to distinguish between fragrant oils and essential oils. Know that those products sold in the market under the title of perfumes are not essential oils at all. Though the labels might read that they are extracted from natural products, they are actually synthetic products and are not natural. Since essential oils are wholly natural, no company can patent them. You will never be able to find essential oils in the ingredients of a pharmacy drug. For this same reason, most general practitioners of medicine will never recommend essential oils as alternatives to the drugs marketed. In fact, since they cannot be patented, drug companies will never waste time and resources to study about them. This is one of the reasons why our scientific knowledge of essential oils is limited and the fact that there are no strong research works published on essential oils. The fund of information that we have about essential oils today are those that are personally experienced by thousands over a long period in the history and passed on to generations.

To prepare essential oils, a large number of plants are needed. For instance, it will be amazing to note that you will need about 4000 pounds of Bulgarian roses to produce just 1 pound of essential oil. On the other hand, you will need only 100 pounds of lavender plant material to make one pound of lavender essential oil. The enormous number of plants used to make essential oils will let you understand why they are highly concentrated.

In the comments sections tell me how you use essential oils. If you are new to essential oils and want to get started using them go here

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