
What do you Know about Hemp Seeds?

For thousands of years humans and animal life have been utilizing the benefits of hemp seeds whether it is to create strong and durable ropes and paper or to eat for its nutritional value. Today, scientists have declared that hemp seeds are one of the most nutritionally complete food sources on earth. In Canada today, hemp has once again become one of the top selling agricultural crops as Canada has the perfect climate for hemp seeds to grow. They are grown without the use of pesticides because hemp is naturally repels pests which makes this a completely natural and organically grown product. Throughout North America today, millions of people are easily succumbing to immune deficiency diseases because of lack of exercise along with poor diets that consume more saturated fats and calories than ever before. This type of lifestyle can make it hard to maintain and promote healthy living.                           Hemp Seed Foods

First it is important to note that hemp contains a protein called Globulin Edestin, which is one of the most important building blocks for optimal health. This type of protein is very similar to human blood plasma which is why it is known as plasma protein. Our body uses this type of pure protein to manufacturer enzymes, hormones, hemoglobin, antibodies, fibrogin and blood plasma. When these cells are created they perform vital duties that can help recognize invading infections, attacking these infections, neutralizing toxins and repairing damaged tissues. Hemp seeds contain over 65{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} of Globulin Edestin and this is the highest of any material on earth today. By choosing to eat hemp seeds in one way or another, provides our network of cells the materials they need in order to properly function.

Hemp seeds also contain adequate amounts of all 9 essential amino acids. Our bodies receive the appropriate amount of amino acids through the foods we eat and from here form the necessary proteins our bodies require in order to function without problems. When our bodies have the right amount of amino acids our muscles become stronger and our bodies are able to react more quickly to change, injuries and more. Lastly, hemp seeds contain a great deal of healthy fats. This is a term not many people are sure what it means but there are fats that our bodies require in order to function so if you are dieting and eliminating all fats from your diet, you are on the wrong track.

These types of healthy fats are called essential fatty acids that include Omega 3, Omega 6 & Omega 9. These types of fats can be contained through many different types of foods but hemp seeds contain 25{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} of Omega 3 and 55{fa32f3da1db87532d93af57bebf07259016720c780c92cd8735931dd04d79e41} of Omega 6 which makes this an excellent source for these essential fatty acids. Hemp seeds can be used in many different types of recipes, including pancakes and can even be eaten on their own to receive the nutrients they possess. Take advantage of this natural wonder and begin using your diet to enhance your health.

Symbiotic Simon is the writer for healthnvitality.com
to get more information on Hemp seeds

Taking green stems of hemp and processing it all the way to a spin able fiber.

For more information on this process or if you have any question please check out our website at

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