50 Beauty Tips For A More Beautiful You

  1. No more refined foods – One of the best ways to stay as beautiful as ever is to avoid
    eating refined or highly processed foods. Such types of foods can rub you off important
    nutrients that are needed by your body, and that could make your skin look dull. Aside
    from that, they can also get you constipated.

    Eat your veggies.

  2. Raw food is better – Eating raw foods means not overcooking your meals. Such kind of
    practice will enhance your beauty, since raw foods are still filled with vitamins, enzymes,
    and other nutrients that can take care of your skin and hair. Aside from that, it has been
    proven that raw foods can make wrinkles and age spots less obvious.
  3. First thing to do in the morning – It is best that when you wake up in the morning, you
    drink a glass of water, and eat a piece of your favorite fruit, like banana. This would
    ensure that your skin is properly hydrated, and the fruit would also help in maintaining its
    radiance. In addition, such a practice can also help you maintain your weight, or lose
  4. Preventing grey hair – Making use of oil for your hair can help in preventing grey hair.
    However, to make it more effective, you can add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to
    it. Aside from that, you can also eat a teaspoon of curry leaf chutney at least every other
    day, since it has components, which can strengthen the cells that form the pigmentation
    from within.
  5. Seal your nail polish – Having a nail polish that is shiny and glossy offers a beautiful
    sight to see. Thus, it is best that you prevent it from scratches and peeling by applying a
    top coat over your nail polish. By applying a top coat to seal the nail polish, you would be
    able to extend its beauty even for 7 days.
  6. Practice a morning skin care routine – Following a skin care routine each morning can
    help a lot in maintaining your beauty. A typical routine that you can follow would
    involve removing all dirt from your skin with the use of a deep cream cleanser, and
    rinsing it with water; applying a mild moisturizer; and, applying a small amount of face
    powder to control oil buildup.
  7. Use cream as your skin cleanser – Cleaning your skin on a regular manner is essential in
    maintaining its beauty. However, it is best to make use of cream cleanser to do this, since
    it won’t take away the natural oil from your skin, which protects it. Don’t use anything
    that can dry out your skin, since it can become prone to bacteria and cellular damage.
  8. Use rosewater as toner – Using rosewater as your toner provides lots of benefits. Aside
    from maintaining the radiant looks of your skin, rosewater actually contains substances,
    which can also maintain your skin’s moisture. In addition, it is also a good solution that
    you can use if you have allergic skin or to treat sunburn.
  9. Get enough sleep – Getting enough rest is one of the most important things to do, when it
    comes to maintaining your beauty. You need to have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each
    night; and, it is best that you are already asleep by 10 in the evening, so as to maximize
    the benefits from your beauty sleep.

    Get your sleep.

  10. Drink enough amounts of water – To maintain your beauty, you need to have a skin that
    has good moisture. To achieve that, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.
    Aside from flushing out harmful toxins from your body, it can also get rid of excess heat.
    In addition, enough amounts of water can also help you maintain your weight, and
    prevent constipation.
  11. Drink milk each day – Drinking milk is one of the best things that you can do in order to
    maintain your beauty. When you drink milk each day, you would be providing your body
    with the essential nutrients to strengthen your hair and bones. Aside from that, it can also
    make your skin look younger, enhance your health and the looks of your eyes.
  12. Refrigerate toners and floral waters during summer time – Toners and floral water can
    help you freshen up, especially during the warmer months. Thus, it is best that you keep
    them inside the refrigerator during the summer months, so that you can use them cold. To
    feel refreshed, you can always spray your face with it.
  13. Never pick pimples – Having lots of pimples on your face can affect your beauty. Thus,
    you don’t want it to multiply. Picking your pimples is actually one of the things that can
    make you have more of them. This is because pricking it can spread the infection further.
    Aside from that, it can also damage your skin tissue around the pimple.
  14. Exfoliate your hands each week – Having hands that are soft and smooth would definitely
    add more to your already beautiful image. To achieve that, you should exfoliate your
    hands once a week, with the use of a natural exfoliating liquid. Use it in light circular
    movements, so as to gently massage your skin.
  15. Fix your yellow nails – Yellow nails is not something that you can be proud off. Thus, if
    you have them, you can simply make use of a homemade whitening bath for it. All you
    need to do is to mix enough lemon juice and rose petals into a bowl of clean water, and
    dip your hands into it. After going through that process, apply a moisturizing lotion to
    enhance the results.
  16. Replace candies and chocolates with fresh fruits – One of the many weaknesses of some
    people is to crave for sweets, which can affect their beauty. Thus, instead of eating
    candies, and other food items that are filled with sugar, you should eat fresh fruits. Foods
    that have high sugar content can enlarge your pores, aside from the fact that it can make
    you gain weight.
  17. Have a facial once a month – Going through facial each month can provide you with lots
    of benefits. Some of which would include collagen and elastin recovery, improve the
    circulation of your blood vessels, even out your skin color, improve hydration, and
    improve skin tone. It can also make your skin soft and radiant.
  18. Keep your makeup simple and light each day – It is always best to show people your
    natural beauty. You can achieve this by keeping your makeup as simple and light each
    day. When you do that, you would also prevent skin damage, which is one of the effects
    of using heavy makeup on a regular basis.
  19. Using lip balm – Keep in mind that maintaining the condition of your lips can also
    Lip Balms

    Use lip balm.

    enhance your beauty. To do that, it is always best to carry a lip balm wherever you may
    go. Lip balm can prevent your lips from drying out. Because of that, it is one of the best
    ways to prevent or cure lip chapping. With the right kind of lip balm, it can also soften
    your lips.

  20. Be gentle with your skin near your eyes – The skin under your eyes is one of the most
    sensitive parts of your body. Thus, it is best that you are gentle with it. You should not
    pull or stretch it, since it would definitely show, and affect your looks. With regular
    pulling and stretching in that part of your face, it can look wrinkled or saggy in no time.
  21. Be conscious of your weight – One of the many things that can affect your beauty is your
    weight. Thus, it is best that you keep a close watch to it. Whether you gain or lose too
    much of it, you would start to have problems in properly fitting your clothes. Thus, it is
    best to maintain your weight at an ideal level, so that you would look fit and healthy all
    the time.
  22. Don’t visit the kitchen too often – If you want to prevent having bouts and bouts of acne
    infection, you should avoid going to the kitchen, especially when someone is cooking.
    You need to keep in mind that there is oil floating around your kitchen, when it is heated.
    Therefore, if you visit it lots of times in a day, then you would be accumulating oil on
    your skin, which is bad news.
  23. Minimize stress – Whenever you are stressed out, it would actually show on your eyes,
    the expression of your face, as well as your skin. In fact, stress can also cause pimples.
    Therefore, you should minimize stress as much as possible. You can do that by taking
    deep breaths whenever you encounter stressful situations. Aside from that, it is also best
    to follow other healthy practices.
  24. Avoid oily foods – When you eat foods that are filled with oil, it would eventually get
    accumulated, which can lead to weight gain. Gaining weight can alter your figure, aside
    from the fact that it can put you at risk to a number of diseases. In addition, oily foods is
    also one of the top causes of pimples.
  25. Keep your hands off your face – If you want to prevent pimples to affect your image, then
    you should keep your hands off your face. You need to remember that there is always a
    tendency for your hands to touch certain things, which may contain dirt and bacteria.
    When you touch your face on a regular basis, then you may irritate it. Thus, touch your
    face only when you need to, and only with a recently washed hand.
  26. Keep away from the sun – Exposing yourself to the sun can irritate your skin, which can
    lead to having pimples. Aside from that, it can also cause dry skin. Therefore, it is best to
    stay in the shade in most parts of the day. If you really need to go out, then it is best to
    make use of a quality sunscreen product.
  27. Get help with severe acne – There are times when acne can attack without warning. If you
    do have severe acne, you should not hesitate in getting help for it. Visit a dermatologist as
    soon as possible, so that you can finally put a stop to it, and live a life with healthy and
    acne free skin.
  28. Try one product at a time – To cure acne or any other skin disorders, you may have a
    tendency to make use of different types of products all at once. Instead of doing that, you
    should try one product at a time, so as to give it a chance to work. Aside from that, it is
    best to focus on a reliable product, than applying different ones, since applying too many
    of them may irritate your skin further.
  29. Wear the right clothes – You have to keep in mind that the way you dress up yourself can
    have a huge impact on the way you look. Therefore, make sure that you wear clothes that
    would fit your beauty. Aside from that, you should also wear comfortable clothing, so
    that you would be able to move freely, and be yourself.
  30. Be mindful of what you apply on your hair – When you apply certain things on your hair,

    Replace candies and chocolates with fresh fruits.

    such as gel, hairspray, or mousse, you should do it sparingly. This is because, using it
    excessively can irritate your scalp. Aside from that, if you have a long hair, and it
    constantly rubs against your face, then it can also be the root cause for having acne

  31. Change your beauty routine for summer and spring – Being beautiful means that you are
    wearing the right types of clothing for the right season. Therefore, you have to become
    more familiar of the clothing trends for different seasons. Aside from that, unlike
    summer, during the spring season, your skin needs less coverage; thus, it is best to wear
    lighter makeup for that time of the year.
  32. Apply avocado or coconut oil on your hair during winter – During the winter months, due
    to the fact that it is too cold, it can leave your hair dry. Aside from that, it can also
    become brittle, which can lead to split ends. Thus, it is best to apply avocado or coconut
    oil on it, so that you can ensure that it has good moisture.
  33. Check your makeup kit each year – Each and every year, you should open and check your
    makeup kit. Bring out all the things that it contains, so that you can see each and every
    item that you have. Checking it properly would allow you to throw away those items that
    are about to expire, and buy newer ones for you to use for the following year.
  34. Take care of your hair brushes – You need to clean your hair brushes in a regular basis, in
    order to maintain the health of your hair. Keep in mind that whenever you use your hair
    brush while you are outside, or after going outside, it would accumulate dust or dirt.
    Therefore, if you won’t clean it, then you might be returning back the dust it has collected
    when you use it after taking a bath, since your hair is wet.
  35. Avoid shampooing or washing your hair everyday – Although washing your hair and
    shampooing it each day means that it would also smell great, it may not be good for your
    scalp. Frequent shampooing and washing can actually lead to dry scalp. When that
    happens, your hair would also appear dry, and it could even lead to dandruff.
  36. Trim your hair every 6 to 8 weeks – It is always a good idea to trim your hair on a regular
    basis, such as every month, or at least every 6 to 8 weeks. Trimming it can ensure proper
    hair growth. Thus, it can enhance its shine, aside from preventing the occurrence of split
  37. How to condition greasy hair properly – When you apply a conditioner to your oily hair,
    it is best to avoid applying it directly to its roots. This is because, it can make your greasy
    hair more oily. Thus, it is best to apply conditioner around the point where your hair
    meets up with your ears, and up to its tips.
  38. Avoid shampoo or hair products that are filled with sulfates – It is always best to check on
    the label of the shampoo that you are about to buy from the grocery store. This way, you
    can avoid products that are filled with sulfates. Sulfates can be harsh to your hair, which
    can dry up its cuticle.
  39. Make it a practice to remove makeup before bedtime – Whenever you go to parties, and
    you find yourself too sleepy to remove your makeup before you sleep, then it is best not
    to apply makeup at all. Leaving makeup on your skin for the night can dry up your skin.
    Aside from that, it can also irritate it, which can lead to pimples.
  40. Remove dead skin with the use of an exfoliate product – Accumulated dead skin can
    cause your skin to get irritated or dried up. Therefore, it is best to remove them, with the
    use of an exfoliate product. Just limit the process for 2 or 3 times in a week though, since
    some exfoliating products may also contain substances that can dry your skin.
  41. Learn how to make your curls last longer – If you like to curl up your hair from time to
    time with the use of a curling iron, you probably want it to last longer. To achieve that,
    make sure that your hair is already dry when you are about to start the process. Don’t use
    the curling iron for too long though, since it can dry out your hair.
  42. Avoid allergenic substances to avoid antihistamines – If you are allergic to foundation,
    then you should not use it heavily during allergy seasons. You need to keep in mind that
    when you have allergic reactions, you need to take antihistamines to gain control over it.
    Antihistamines can actually dry out your skin, thus it is best to avoid allergenic items.
  43. Using quality blotting papers in order to manage oil buildup – To avoid accumulating too
    much oil on your face, use quality blotting papers to manage it. Aside from being
    effective in managing oil buildup, blotting papers can also help you clean up your skin
    around your eyes and emphasize it.
  44. Reapply sunscreens every two to three hours – When you purchase sunscreen lotions, you
    may come across products, which would indicate that it can last for the whole day.
    However, in most cases, they only last for 2 to 3 hours. Therefore, it is best to reapply it
    every 2 hours, especially if you are going to be exposed to sunlight for the whole day.
  45. Take care of pimple faster with tea tree oil – A good way to take care of pimples is to
    apply tea tree oil. It actually contains components, which can speed up the healing
    process. Aside from that, applying the said oil can also make you look like you don’t
    have a zit. Thus, it can help you a lot if you are on your way to a party.
  46. How to avoid flaky mascara – Using a flaky mascara is something that you don’t want to
    go through. To avoid it, you should use mascara that you have just bought recently, since
    becoming flaky is usually caused by being too old. Aside from purchasing a new one,
    make sure to close it after using, so that it would retain its moisture.
  47. What to do before blow drying your hair – To ensure that your hair achieves more body,
    you should apply a little amount of gel. By doing that, it would lift your hair to some
    extent to give it the look that you want. Put the blow dryer in medium level though, so
    that you won’t dry out your hair too much and make it look dull.
  48. If you have curly hair, use your fingers to brush out your curls – This is one of the best
    things that you can do in order to achieve a tousled look for your curly hair. Aside from
    that, it can also ensure that your curls would go together, which can enhance the shine
    and beauty of your locks. In addition, it would also make your curls bigger.
  49. Measure two fingers from your nose when it comes to where you want to apply the blush
    on – In applying your blush on, it is best to keep it around two fingers apart from your
    nose. This is to ensure that your cheeks would get emphasized the way you want it to be.
    Aside from that, it would also accentuate other desirable features you have.
  50. 50. Use a conditioning treatment to prevent hair color from fading – One of the things that
    you don’t want to happen is to see your hair color fading too fast, especially in summer
    months. To ensure that it won’t happen, make use of a conditioning treatment after
    coloring your hair. Do it every week or at least every other month to ensure that it would
    take effect.

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