Most people aren’t aware they’re under stress and that’s a bad way to live. When you don’t realize that you’re under stress, it continues to grow. The more stress grows, the more damage it does to your health and the faster it ages you.

You might not be able to completely eliminate all the stress in your life. But once you’re aware of it, you can get it under control and controlled stress doesn’t subtract years off your life the way uncontrolled stress does.
When you’re not aware of stress, it can cause issues like high blood pressure, aches and pains throughout your body and inflammation. Out of all of these, inflammation is the worst side effect of stress.
This inflammation is what impacts the health of your body...
Roll On Extra Strength Pain Be Gone Message Oil – this is the same formula as the message butter minus the beeswax so it remain liquid for roll on application. Our message oil can be used to reduce and temporarily relieve aches, pain, and inflammation from muscles and joints. Simply message into the affected area as needed. A wonderful healing blend is an excellent synergistic blend when dealing with arthritis and rheumatic conditions, sports injuries, back pain, or pain and inflammation resulting from injured or overworked muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc. It helps provide relief from bumps, bruises and everyday mishaps – from fingers slammed in doors to bumps on the head to stubbed toes.
Message in well, at least a minute or until you begin to feel the heat as you message the area.
There are a wide variety of different healthcare treatments, and many holistic healthcare treatments as well. Holistic is a very broad word that encompasses many different methods of natural healing that include chiropractic work, acupuncture, nutrition therapy, muscle rehabilitation, massage therapy, vitamins and supplements, and minerals. Holistic healing is not for every patient, but there have shown favorable results and a great deal of good can be done by a number of these practices.
Accupuncture for example has gained a great deal of western approval and popularity, as it has been proven to be helpful. There are a few different types of acupuncture that focus on pressure and pain reduction, and not all of them use needles...
Who doesn’t want soft moist sensual lips?
Our lip balm may contain Beeswax, Jojoba Oil. Vanilla Infused Jojoba Oil, Cocoa Butter, Lavender Infused Olive Oil, Calendula Infused Olive Oil, Coconut Oil and essential oils for flavor Sweet Orange, Tangerine, Lime, Vanilla, and Lavender-Calendula.
All Organic Oils No Toxic, Harsh Chemicals!
Beeswax There are more than 200 different compounds in beeswax and each beeswax is a little different, depending on where it was gathered from.
Coconut Oil is highly sought-after products for moisturizing your skin and also retaining moisture of the skin.
Cocoa Butter is extracted from the cocoa bean therefore it has a chocolaty aroma. It contains natural antioxidant Vitamin E, as well as a number of other vitamins and minerals...
Throughout the history of the world, food has been grown using techniques described as organic. But in the last 100 years, conventional farming methods have increasingly relied on the use manufactured compounds such as pesticides and fertilizers, as well as using genetically modified seed. Organic fruits refer to produce grown using natural techniques with no chemicals or with only organic compounds.
Many countries have strict certification rules for labeling fruits and vegetables as organic. The United States, Canada and the European Union are some examples. In the United States, certification is outlined by the state departments of agriculture and conditions include no irradiation, no genetic modification, and most pesticides and fertilizers prohibited...
Healthy nails are pretty nails – something worth considering if your nails never seem to look good. Fortunately, nails don’t need a ton to be healthy. The most necessary issue is to avoid those activities and substances that harm nails. There are some professional-active things you can do to help foster smart health. No, I do not mean costly supplements, exotic-sounding nail creams, or expensive salon treatments. What I’m talking regarding are simple, sense varieties of things that do not take a heap of effort, thought, or money.
Cuticle massage
Massage features a reputation for being a frivolous, feel-smart quite thing we have a tendency to treat ourselves to on birthdays or Mother’s days...
Do you know the benefits of holistic medicine? When one is experiencing pain or discomfort due to an illness or medical condition, they often turn towards a medical health professional to help them overcome their sickness. Some go to their usual doctor while others opt for a more natural approach to medicine, i.e. holistic medicine. In a nutshell, this kind of medicine is a non-invasive, natural method for curing an individual of an illness or helping them with their everyday symptoms. With holistic medicine there are certain benefits not often seen with general practice medicine. The following will offer some of the benefits which patients seek and receive from holistic medical providers.
Non-Invasive Treatment
Holistic medicine often provides treatment for the patient which is non-invasi...
You sometimes get asked about your yoga devotion and what it really is for. The resurgence of Yoga as a personal activity is due to its total approach to good health. However, we must always take note that the true purpose of Yoga is to put a stop to anguish in this life. Yoga is a program wherein a practitioner is free to establish an aware and deliberate method.
It infuses a practitioner with total empowerment. Ending suffering in this world is ideal, although history has shown that somehow or another, humankind seems to always manage to come up with new ways of hurting one’s self.
The various styles of Yoga are unique in themselves. They have one thing in common, though, the pursuit of total health...
When things like addiction to food and health are said, most people merely work with concepts like healthy eating habits and exercise, but often, it goes beyond that.
Food addiction is a serious issue that deserves discussion in its own right. It is a drawback that affects not only the one that has it, however conjointly their friends and family.
Basically, the matter of food addiction is one that mixes a food craving with a food allergy. When an individual has this condition, they are drawn to a bound food and when they are unable to possess it, they expertise symptoms that are not unlike withdrawal.
Food addiction can be indicated by a range of various things...
Liver is one of the largest glands of human body with the primary function of clearing out the blood toxins and supplying the purified blood to the heart. At times when the liver is not functioning well it results into the ailments which affects other organs as well. The usual signs of liver dysfunction include weight loss, nausea, extreme fatigue, swelling of abdomen, edema, urine darkening and yellowing of eyes and skin. Jaundice is also a symptom of liver dysfunction.
Commonly referred to as a “filter,” the liver is actually more subtle and sophisticated than a passive filter. The liver’s main function is to act as a filter, as it rids the body of foreign toxins and impurities...