Category Natural Remedies

Holistic Pet Care Facts

The Institute for Vibrant Living specializes in natural health supplement alternatives for many human health concerns. Recognizing the importance of quality pet care alternatives, they have compiled this report on holistic medicine for animals:

The benefits of holistic health are so well established today, many people are now extending their own holistic health approaches to their pets.

During the last few years there has been a marked increase in natural healing techniques for animals. Just as human holistic medicine focuses on the “whole” person, holistic animal medicine focuses on the “whole” pet, not just one specific issue or disease.

Holistic veterinarians are focused on resolving the cause of the problem, not just alleviating the symptoms, which is the traditional approach.



Herbal Remedies to Clean Your Liver

Liver is one of the largest glands of human body with the primary function of clearing out the blood toxins and supplying the purified blood to the heart. At times when the liver is not functioning well it results into the ailments which affects other organs as well. The usual signs of liver dysfunction include weight loss, nausea, extreme fatigue, swelling of abdomen, edema, urine darkening and yellowing of eyes and skin. Jaundice is also a symptom of liver dysfunction.

Commonly referred to as a “filter,” the liver is actually more subtle and sophisticated than a passive filter. The liver’s main function is to act as a filter, as it rids the body of foreign toxins and impurities...


Holistic Remedies For Fibroids

If you are considering trying holistic remedies for fibroids, then you have made a wise decision. Many women believe that the only options available to them to deal with their fibroids are invasive surgical procedures or using hormone-blocking drugs and this means that they are possibly missing out on an option which has been used very successfully by thousands of women.

There are many unanswered questions as far as fibroids are concerned. Doctors are unable to determine the exact cause in an individual although they do know of the range of factors which are likely to have contributed. We know enough to understand that fibroids are related to lifestyle, diets, hereditary factors and hormone levels and we also know that if the root causes are eliminated, then fibroids cannot grow.

One way o...


Get Hemorrhoid Relief From Herbal Remedies

Here are four different herbs that can give you hemorrhoid relief and help get rid of your hemorrhoids. Using these herbs is a convenient and cost effective way to treat your hemorrhoid symptoms.

Use these herbs just long enough to give you hemorrhoid relief. Once you see that your symptoms have disappeared, stop using these herbs. Using Herbs longer than necessary will make you less sensitive to the power of these herbs, if you have to use them again.

Powder Comfrey Root

Comfrey powder comes from an herbal root that has plenty of allantoin. This herb is a powerful temporary grass that is anti-inflammatory and stimulates the formation of new skin. It can also cause hemorrhoids that are outside the anus to shrink and pull. This makes comfrey powder an effective hemorrhoid remedy.

Here is ho...

Chronic Pain Drops

Pain – Acute and Chronic

As unfortunate as it is many people are afflicted with pain, muscle pain, shoulder pain, back pain and any type of joint pain. It may be from an accident or a disease such as arthritis. Pain can be debilitating or not, and sometimes, we just learn to live with it.

One might ask what’s the difference between chronic pain and acute pain?

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain typically last more the 12 weeks and as long as several years after the injury has healed. It can limit your mobility and flexibility. It can also be a sharp pain or a dull pain. It can also come and go with no indication or apparent reason and be in any apart of the body.

What can cause chronic pain? May things such as an injury causing back pain, herniated or degenerated disc, any part of the back, diseases such as cancer, arthr...


Herbal Remedies For Back Pain

Gizmos which facilitate mobility, such as laptops, actually encourage us to one place and work. The Internet and cable television offer a plethora of entertainment options, which have caused us to become couch potatoes; we don’t go out and meet people or even exercise. And when we do go out, we take.our cars for even small distances!

Another popular home remedy for back ache is garlic oil. Sure you can make it at home! All you have to do is fry 10 cloves of garlic in 60 ml of coconut oil, sesame oil or mustard oil. Massage the oil to your back after it has cooled down and you will notice that it offers great relief. Some people find it effective to drink warm water mixed with one tablespoon of honey.

White willow is one of the main ingredients of aspirin in the form of salicin...

pregnancy and herbs

Pregnancy and Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are becoming extensively applied amongst pregnant women as natural and other alternative homeopathic treatments continue to become trendy. More women are relying on all-natural health supplements rather than use synthetic alternatives to deliver essential sustenance and relief for ordinary discomforts. They also are attracted to natural health supplements as they are more affordable than medical counterparts.

Even though this will be the situation, healthcare professionals are advising moms-to-be to consider additional precaution and inquire for evidence-based details just before they buy herbal remedies...


Reliable Herbal Remedies for Children

Childhood is a age of naughtiness and joy which also makes our body more prone to various ailments if not taken care properly. According to doctors, it is not always good to take allopathic medicines every time. Although, these medicines are extremely effective but they also contain various side effects as well. This is the reason why many parents choose natural herbal remedies for children. These medicines are meant to be very powerful in treating various diseases ranging from simple cough to complex diseases.

Moreover, the concept of herbal remedies for children is based on holistic approach which means it not only cure the person from a particular disease but also makes the body strong enough to fight several ailments. The most commonly problems occur in children are aches and pains...


Diapers Online – Not Used, Recycled

Traditional cotton diapers last just about forever, and new cotton/hemp cloth diapers probably can withstand thermo-nuclear meltdown, so you easily will find great bargains on “recycled” diapers online. Yes, a baby has used them, but a thoughtful, earth-loving mom now is recycling them.

High-tech hand-me-downs? Think about buying recycled cotton diapers online.
Old-fashioned cloth diapers passed from child to child and generation to generation, a great investment carried to its furthest extreme. When a family ran out of babies, it passed the trustworthy, durable cotton diapers to neighbors and friends. With proper care, an old-fashioned cotton diaper easily could outlive and out-perform any of those fancy new organics with pretentious names like “Seventh Generation” or “Earth’s Best...


8 Herbal Remedies For Eczema

It is a Greek word which means ‘to boil’. It is an inflammatory and chronic skin disorder leading to boils, rashes, and eruptions on skin. The most common form of eczema, atopic dermatitis, occurs among small children and infants. In over 90 percent of cases, eczema is seen to occur in children below 5 years old. There are many available home remedies for eczema. These include prescription drugs, dietary changes, and herbal remedies.

1. Symptoms of eczema can be aggravated if the skin is exposed to hot and dry air, especially that of the indoors. So, to counter this problem, use a humidifier and keep the moisture levels in your home up and adequate. Not to mention, do not forget to keep the unit clean, as it may harbor the growth of bacteria and fungi.

