Category Natural Remedies

Herbal Snoring Remedies

Herbal snoring remedies are available that can be used for those that suffer from the condition.

Snoring may not be a problem by itself, but snoring is the root of many other problems affecting not only the person who snores but also his family. Snoring can lead to disturbed sleep and hence act as a cause of hypertension and heart ailments. Also mostly the snoring problem occurs due to reasons like nasal congestion, obesity, disturbed sleep, use of sleeping pills, consuming alcohol and caffeine, sleeping on the back etc. So in some cases the snoring is also related to some existing problem, which leads to even further problems.

Due to the ill effects of the snoring and its wide effect on one’s family members, lot of remedies have come in and many are very effective too...

Holistic for Pets

Holistic Alternatives For Pets

You may ask, what does the term ‘holistic’ mean? The word holistic is derived from the word ‘whole’. Holistic veterinary medicine, therefore, refers to the treatment of the whole organism rather than the treatment of individual body parts or simply the removal of symptoms. For example, if a cat is diagnosed by the veterinarian with a urinary tract infection, the veterinarian may prescribe pharmaceutical medication to treat the cat. Where the holistic veterinarian may provide advice on improving the cat’s overall health through the use of holistic methods in addition to, or instead of, antibiotics to treat the urinary tract infection. Thus, the cat’s overall well being is being addressed and improved rather than just the ailment that the cat has acquired.

Under the heading of holistic veter...

Holistic Medicine

Really Holistic Healing

Really holistic healing includes western allopathic healing, as well as Ayur Vedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other ancient and more recent healing techniques. I read the other day that science was invented 500 years or so ago, in Europe. That is utterly ridiculous. Indian, Chinese and Persian civilizations have been building hospitals and providing scientific healing techniques for thousands of years.

They may not use the exact philosophy and procedures that western science does, but to imply that eastern science is inferior to western science is just arrogant hubris.

Right now, the US government is debating the nationalization of health care. I am actually kind of neutral about that. I hear good arguments on both sides...


Diabetes Herbal Remedies

Diabetes is a disorder characterized by hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, glycosuria and negative nitrogen balance.

It is of 2 types: a) Diabetes mellitus (DM) b) Diabetes insipidus.

Diabetes mellitus is further categorized into 2 types: a) type 1 DM b) type 2 DM. Many potent herbs have been discovered since ancient times which are known to cure diabetes effectively.

Below is the mention of some herbal plants, their active products, mode of action of active products and the plant parts providing these products.

1. Allium cepa and Allium sativum
Common Name: Onion (allium cepa) and garlic (allium sativum)
Active Compounds: Allyl propyl disulphide and Diallyl disulphide oxide.
Action: These compounds lower glucose levels by completing insulin...


Natural Herbal Remedies

The Institute for Vibrant Living natural health research dept. has released the following report on the use of natural herbs:

As more and more people become disenchanted with traditional modern medicine, the notion of herbs for healing is gaining popularity.

From ancient medicine men to modern holistic healers, people from every culture have recognized the potent healing properties of plants and herbs.  Many traditional medicines have their roots in herbal remedies.

As studies continue to validate the benefits of herbal medicine, more and more people are choosing to augment or even substitute herbal remedies for traditional medicines.

The use of herbal remedies often focuses on long-term health and treating the underlying causes rather than the symptoms.

Beyond everyday herbal remedies,...


Holistic Dentist Alternatives

What are Holistic Dentist Alternatives?

Finding a Dentist in Baton Rouge does not have to be a difficult process, so if you need a dentist please see the following:   A holistic dentist is the choice of many patients who prefer a more alternative approach. The term “holistic” refers to a whole body approach where each component is related to the others. This approach leans toward the belief that nutrition and mental health play a large role in the health of the teeth, gums and mouth. More natural methods, rather than just prescription drugs, are utilized in this practice. Some examples of items used to improve health may include herbs, supplements, vitamins and minerals.

With a holistic dentist pain management may be controlled with techniques that are ...


Herbal Remedies for Gout

Herbal Remedies for Gout

Every year, the number of gout sufferers all over the world increases despite the many information resources about the illness. Perhaps you’re already familiar with the joint pains suffered by older individuals. Other people mistake gout for rheumatism and arthritis because the illness is also associated with inflammation of the joints, certain bodily tissues, and tendons. Medication is definitely expensive and so some patients opt for herbal remedies for gout.

Herbal remedies are much more affordable and they are quite effective in easing the pain and discomfort. When monosodium urate, also known as uric acid, hardens or crystallizes around the joints of the ankle and big toe, it can cause sudden extreme pain...


Acid Reflux Herbal Remedies

Acid Reflux Herbal Remedies

Normally a person will use antacids in order to treat acid reflux but there are plenty of acid reflux herbal remedies a person can use if they are looking for a more natural way to treat this problem.

Many naturopathic doctors believe that acid reflux herbal remedies can also help to strengthen a person’s digestive system.

In fact today many people will prefer to use a herbal remedy in order to treat a disease or illness rather than medication that has been prescribed by their doctor. This is because many of the medications prescribed are synthetically produced and can cause a person to suffer various different kinds of side effects that most natural remedies do not cause. There have been some research carried out which seems to support this...


Top Herbal Remedies

Top Herbal Remedies

Are you one of the millions of Americans who struggle with either simple or complex medical conditions on a regular basis? Chronic conditions are abundant and vary from high blood pressure to obesity to diabetes. Often, if you have one or more of these conditions, you are simply prescribed some medication and sent on your way. Sometimes, you may be offered additional assistance with an organization dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyle education, as well.

What you will be unlikely to receive from your doctor is information on top herbal remedies. These so-called alternative therapies are not generally considered part of the mainstream western medicine process, so if you do not do your own research, you will not be likely to know much about them...


Hair Loss and Essential Oils

Hair Loss and Essential Oils

Hair care is important to everyone no matter their age or ethnicity. There are probably hundreds of thousands of remedies for treating hair loss. Depending on hair type, texture, scalp condition and heredity not all treatments work for everyone, but there is one that has proven effective for many.

These oils are highly concentrated and have been removed from the leaves, stems, flowers or roots of plants.

You have probably heard of or read about the use of Essential Oils for help with relaxation, meditation, immunity against diseases, but what about treating baldness, thinning hair, dry hair and scalp or dandruff?

Both men and women complain of these conditions.

There are approximately 400 essential oils. Lavender, Basil, Hyssop, Jasmine, and Thyme are a few...
