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50 Beauty Tips For A More Beautiful You

  1. No more refined foods – One of the best ways to stay as beautiful as ever is to avoid
    eating refined or highly processed foods. Such types of foods can rub you off important
    nutrients that are needed by your body, and that could make your skin look dull. Aside
    from that, they can also get you constipated.

    Eat your veggies.

  2. Raw food is better – Eating raw foods means not overcooking your meals. Such kind of
    practice will enhance your beauty, since raw foods are still filled with vitamins, enzymes,
    and other nutrients that can take care of your skin and hair. Aside from that, it has been
    proven that raw foods can make wrinkles and age spots less obvious.
  3. First thing to do in the morning – It is best that when you wake up in the morning, you
    drink a glass of water, and eat a piece of your fa...

Traveling with Your Pet

Traveling with your pet is off my usual topic but something near and dear to my heart and at this time of year some will suffer while traveling with their owners and the suffering is uncalled for with a little planning ahead of time so read on.

Some pets love to travel, and some hate it. Traveling with your pet can be very stressful for animals, and for you as a caring owner as well. There are several ways your pet can travel, as most forms of transportation accept them. Educating yourself about all your options is important when making a choice how your pet will travel, as it can save you a lot of grief. Whether a short day trip or a long extended trip you should be prepared with a travel bag of goodies, bowls, and water, food, treats etc.  Pet travel kit

What Form of Travel Is Best for Your Pet?

If y...


What to Do and Where to Go When Gas Prices Spike during Travel Season

What to Do and Where to Go When Gas Prices Spike during Travel Season

Travel season can be expensive to begin with, so when gas prices spike around the same time, you may feel doomed. It can be daunting to try and plan a trip when gas costs more than you can reasonably afford. How can you make travel plans happen when gas prices are soaring?

Have a Local Vacation

Summer travel doesn’t necessarily mean a faraway destination. When gas prices are soaring, consider staying close to home. A vacation to the city closest to yours can give you some variety, and still not cost too much. Cut your driving to a minimum in order to save big on your vacation.

Double Check Airplane Ticket Costs

One would assume that spiked gas prices would result in expensive airplane tickets...

green parrot

Take control of your health this spring at Green Parrot

Take control of your health this spring at Green Parrot

Hopefully we’re not speaking too soon, but Spring does now actually seem to be heroically trying to make itself visible to us through the mist and murk of another decidedly chilly winter. In our still damp fields, hedgerows and gardens, daffodils and snowdrops are beginning to appear, pretty promises of the warmer weather that is hopefully soon to come. And here at Green Parrot Swaffham, we’re as ready as ever to do all we can to ensure you’re ready to enjoy the (with any luck) balmy days of the new season in the best possible health.

Looking around, there’s never been more information available on how we can all eat in ways that maintain or improve our health. Food based programmes abound on radio, television and even the internet...
