dog health food

Dog Health Food Recipe

Dog Health Food Recipe

While most dog owners rely on the convenience of manufactured dog food, many dog owners enjoy making their dogs food. A dog health food recipe can come in handy if the dog has a health problem like obesity or diabetes.

Though some dog food recipes available on the Internet are designed specifically for dogs with health conditions, many make healthy meals for any dog. If the dog has a health concern, the owner may want to seek meal preparation advice from the veterinarian.

Lamb stew is a dog health food recipe. One pound lamb, three diced potatoes, two chopped celery sticks, two chopped carrots, two pints of chicken broth, and two tablespoons of olive oil are the ingredients needed to make the healthy lamb stew for dogs.

After the lamb is cooked in the olive oil, the chicken broth should be added. The lamb and chicken broth should cook for forty-five minutes. The rest of the ingredients should be added and allowed to stew for forty-five more minutes. Before being served to the dog, the lamb stew should be allowed to cool.

Since lamb tends to be expensive, the dog owner may substitute lean ground beef for the lamb. The dog owner may store leftovers in the refrigerator for use the next day or two. The dog should not be fed too much as even too much healthy food can contribute to weight-related dog health problems.

A cabbage roll meal is another dog health food recipe. Four large cabbage leaves, one fourth cup of plain yogurt, one half cup of white rice, chicken broth, and one half cup of cooked, shredded chicken breast are the ingredients. After the large vein is removed, boil the cabbage leaves until tender.

Mix the other ingredients. The cabbage leaves should be removed from the water and cooled. Divide the mixture of the other ingredients among the cabbage leaves. Roll up the cabbage leaves and place in a baking dish with chicken broth to cover the bottom and part of the cabbage rolls before baking for thirty minutes.



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