Essential Oils Inhalation Application

Essential Oils Inhalation Application

Inhalation Application

There are several ways to apply essential oils for your use such as inhalation, topical and ingestion. These three types of application can be sub-divided even further and I will discuss each in its own post.

Inhalation Method

Inhalation uses your brain functions and emotions and just makes you feel good all over it also affects your respiratory system issues as you breathe in the oils. Diffusion is a common use and the diffuser can be purchased in most big retail type stores or online sites my favorites two are shown below. They work similar to a humidifier or air purifier, you add water and a few drops of oil and it releases it into the air in a mist. Properly diffused oils are known to kill bacteria and viruses, improve your mental clarity, calm emotions etc. Some hospitals have begun using them in the ER and reported a less stressful atmosphere in the patients and workers benefiting from the usage.

Direct inhalation method sometimes you just can’t walk around carrying a diffuser so a much more handy method is the direct inhalation. Put a couple drops in the palm of your hand and cup the hand over your nose and mouth and breathe deeply. You can purchase empty inhalers and fill them yourself and they last for several weeks once filled. You can also rub the residue in your hand onto your body as a topical application.

The tissue jar method take a small jar of 6 to 8 ounce size and place a few facial tissues inside select your oil of choice and drip up to 10 drops all over the tissues replace the lid. When needed open the jar breathe deeply and recap the jar. Use peppermint and this works very well on a long drive if you being to feel drowsy or if you’re in a long boring meeting open your jar take a couple deep breaths and feel the oxygen flow to the brain and wake you up.

The spritz you’ll need a small 2 or 4 ounce bottle with a spray pump and a few drops say 5 or 10 and fill the bottle with water, shake well to mix, and spray yourself when needed.

The steam tent method my grandmother would suggest this often during when you’re suffering from the cold or flu season. You’ll need a saucepan of hot steaming water and a bath towel. Place a few drops of your oil of choice into the water and lean over the saucepan, place the towel over your head and breathe deeply. It’s usually a good idea to have a box of tissues within reach especially if you have a cold, this will definitely make your sinuses release the mucus.

T-shirt method similar to the steam tent however you rub the oils on your chest and pull the neck of the shirt over your nose and breathe in.

Another handy method to use while driving is to use cotton balls or gauze pads drip the oil on them and wedge them into the air vents of your vehicle it works like a diffuser.

Lotus Room Diffuser

Lotus Room Diffuser

Aromatherapy Personal Diffuser

Hubmar Battery Operated Aromatherapy Diffuser in convenient personal size perfect for tucking in your pocket or purse.

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