Herbal Snoring Remedies Revealed

If you have problems with snoring and have tried a number of remedies, it’s about time you looked at herbs as a way to stop snoring. Herbs offer a gentle natural approach and can be effective in helping you get a quiet night’s sleep.

First, let’s look at what exactly a herb is. A herb is defined as a kind of plant with no persistent woody parts. Most herbs are believed to have medicinal powers and are also popular to flavor food in cooking, especially in Asian cuisines.

The great thing about herbs as medicines is that not only do they work on a specific part of the body or health problem (such as snoring) but they also work on your whole system in a holistic way. Here are some herbs which can help with snoring and other health problems.

First there are the herbs that help you get a better night’s sleep. The most relaxed you are, the less likely you are to snore (providing you’re sleeping in the right position).

Valerian is one such herb. This pretty plant with pink or white flowers has a strong scent and is well-known for its anti-insomnia properties. Because of its pungent odor, it’s best taken in pill form. Studies have shown that valerian improves the quality of sleep as well as helping you get to sleep faster. It does have side effects however.

Catnip is another sleep inducing herb with wonderful relaxing properties. It can be infused to make a tisane or mixed into regular tea.

Lavender is a well known herb with many beneficial properties. This sweet smelling herb can be used in many ways. You can add it to your tea, put it in your bath before bedtime or massage yourself with a lavender aromatic oil.

Next there are herbs which help with digestion.

Peppermint is a digestive herb which also helps you get to sleep. The same goes for hops.

Spearmint works on many levels; it’s a digestive, sleep enhancer and also works to keep your airways open and so reduce the chance of snoring.

Other than using herbs in the form of teas and tisanes, you can also get anti snoring sprays and pills which contain herbal ingredients.

Remember too that herbs though natural can be harmful, especially in large doses.

Brett McDonald is a health writer who believes in the natural way. If you want relief from snoring, please visit: Anti Snoring Devices and Anti Snoring Pillows

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