Health tagged posts

essential oils

Aromatherapy Holistic Health

The art and science of using aromatherapy to modify a person’s emotions, moods and overall physical well-being has been in practice since the early civilizations. The emergence of more advanced medicine and technologies has deprived aromatherapy of its wide-scale popularity through the years.

There are some people, on the other hand, that have never ceased practicing and relying on aromatherapy to improve their health and attain a holistic lifestyle. Now, as the therapeutic type re-emerges, more and more people are getting interested in it.

Learning how to use aromatherapy is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. Basically, aromatherapy uses essential oil from herbs that are ideal for maintaining health, relieving stress and regulating the normal blood flow in the body...


Simple Food Health Tips

Do you want to lose weight? There is tons of literature out there of varying degrees of legitimacy. Eating healthy is directly related to fitness and weight loss, yet where does a person begin in order to think about eating right? Keep it simple; there are no secrets. Knowing some basic tips can be helpful. Consider the following:

Power of Protein

It is important for you to ingest foods and drinks with high amounts of protein. Protein is broken down by your body in order to fuel muscles and to promote the body’s various systems. Different foods offer their respective amounts of protein, so it is important to check nutritional information. Additional protein can be ingested via health bars, weight training supplements, and sports nutrition supplements.

Viva la Vitamins

Vitamins and minerals...


Food Supplements and Your Health

Despite multiple researches on the importance of nutritional food supplements and your health, some people still raise the question “it is necessary to take nutritional supplements to balance my diet?” The answer is direct and simple, yes; along with your diet, you need food supplements for your body to have enough nutrients it needs to function properly. In addition, you need to consume daily a variety of fruits and cruciferous vegetables (steam cooked is recommended).

Why you need to take food supplements?

Whether you are rich or poor, living in a developing or developed country, it is difficult to intake the amount of nutrients needed from a regular meal. Even healthy eaters cannot get the daily amount of vitamins and minerals recommended...


Raw Food Diet and Your Skin Health

Everyone has a body covered in skin and some of us even try to look after it. We use special bathing gels and scrubs as well as creams to improve the look and condition of our skin. Your skin health is actually a very reliable indicator of how the rest of your body is health wise. One of the largest damaging factors to your skin health is eating too much processed and manufactured food.

Raw food on the other hand will contribute to your health in general as well as giving you great looking and healthy skin. You will notice a change in your skin’s condition within a week and after a month the transformation will be amazing.

Moisturizers And A Raw Food Diet

Dry skin is one of the problems that can be caused by poor diet...


Pumpkin Rice – Children’s Health Food

Pumpkins are very popular in cooking. It can be fried, boiled, steamed, baked and even roasted. Small pumpkins can be eaten as squash or zucchini. Mashed pumpkin can be used in soup. In Middle East, pumpkin is used for making desserts such as halawa and yaqtin. In China, the leaves of pumpkin are used as an ingredient in soups. In India, kadu ka halwa is made from pumpkin, butter, sugar and other spices. In Japan, some take the pumpkin to serve as tempura. In Australia, pumpkin is commonly roasted before consumed. In Italy, pumpkin is used with cheeses for ravioli. In Thailand, small pumpkins are steamed with custard, sugar and coconut milk mix to become a Thai dessert – pumpkin custard.

Usually, kids like to eat pumpkin...


Harmful Foods for your health

Most foods are good for health, but food may also bring the opposite effect if you eat too much. Some of you may feel surprised at the list of the following harmful foods that can cause unhealthy problems for you.

The large amount of caffeine in coffee can make not only vascular shrink but blood pressure and the acid in urine increase as well.

Fresh orange juice which being added sugar contains more calories and sugar than soda does. So it’s best to eat fresh fruit

Rotten eggs contain a certain amount of lead; therefore, it is easy to be poisoned if you regularly eat them

The popcorn contains a high amount of lead that is harmful for creating blood system, nervous and digestive system of the body, especially children

The gum contains high-quality rubber and some additives which are harmful...


Taking The Health Out Of Health Food


So you thought your health food was healthy? Think again, it is not as healthy as you were let on to believe. So let’s take a look at some of these so called health foods and look at how you can determine if you food is healthy.


I used to think peanuts (actually legumes) were healthy, but when I went healthy and stopped eating processed foods to reduce my Omega-6 exposure, I found that peanuts are very high in Omega-6. So now I feed my peanuts to my dog Merlot, she loves them.

So what is wrong with Omega-6? For over 100 years we have been consuming processed foods, which is rich in Omega-6, in fact we have so much Omega-6 we are at risk of autoimmune disease...

essential oils

Aromatherapy for Mental Health

Have you ever used essential oil aromatherapy for mental health?

Few would disagree that we live in a stress filled age. It seems like everyone has more on their plate than they can handle. The proverbial ‘To-do List’ never seems to get completed in its entirety – EVER! The world is simply busier with everyone on their cell phones, tablets, eating out, and trying to squeeze in time for friends and family.

Adding to this is the upset and concerns many feel over economic uncertainties, the political climate, violence in the community, etc. It is a recipe that takes quite a toll on a person’s mental health. Is it really surprising that more people are turning to unhealthy solutions like drugs and alcohol to help them cope?

The truth is that stress does not have to be tolerated; it can...

Hemp Seed Foods

Hemp Seed Nut – Hype Or Health

Hemp Seed, have you  heard of all the wonderful benefits hemp seed can deliver to your body?

Mankind has been searching for the perfect food since the beginning of time. We can recall scenes of the snake oil salesman hawking elixirs and potions of all kinds, even ones that supposedly included the oils from snakes, promising to cure everything that ailed a person.

If this is as good as it seems why haven’t we heard of it before now? Actually, it has been around for centuries. The Chinese were using it in medicine five thousand years ago and it was grown widely in the United States until it became illegal in 1937.

Clinical studies indicate that this tiny seed is unmatched in Nature for its balance of all required proteins and all essential fats as well as most vitamins and enzymes.

No other...


Certain Food for Good Health

Certain Food for Good Health

If one wants to be in good health, perhaps one of the most important ideas is for that person to have balance regularly with what he or she eats. Amongst the things a person might want to include in his or her eating habits is oatmeal mixed with cinnamon. The point is to prepare around 2 cups of oatmeal shortly after waking up and mix a little more than a teaspoon of cinnamon, and ‘fridge it. You’d then gradually finish it throughout the day to help relieve your appetite. This would also obviously give you the health benefits which oatmeal and cinnamon have to offer.

Fruits and vegetables are obviously good for your health, and you ought to consider having them on a regular basis...
