Holistic tagged posts

Holistic Healthcare Treatments

There are a wide variety of different healthcare treatments, and many holistic healthcare treatments as well. Holistic is a very broad word that encompasses many different methods of natural healing that include chiropractic work, acupuncture, nutrition therapy, muscle rehabilitation, massage therapy, vitamins and supplements, and minerals. Holistic healing is not for every patient, but there have shown favorable results and a great deal of good can be done by a number of these practices.

Accupuncture for example has gained a great deal of western approval and popularity, as it has been proven to be helpful. There are a few different types of acupuncture that focus on pressure and pain reduction, and not all of them use needles...


Benefits Of Holistic Medicine

Do you know the benefits of holistic medicine? When one is experiencing pain or discomfort due to an illness or medical condition, they often turn towards a medical health professional to help them overcome their sickness. Some go to their usual doctor while others opt for a more natural approach to medicine, i.e. holistic medicine. In a nutshell, this kind of medicine is a non-invasive, natural method for curing an individual of an illness or helping them with their everyday symptoms. With holistic medicine there are certain benefits not often seen with general practice medicine. The following will offer some of the benefits which patients seek and receive from holistic medical providers.

Non-Invasive Treatment

Holistic medicine often provides treatment for the patient which is non-invasi...


Holistic Healing Through Thetahealing

Holistic healing is a popular modern concept for many reasons. Holistic healing is all about healing the entire person, not only a persons body. Holistic healing encompasses the healing of body, mind and spirit. But how does one attain holistic healing? Thetahealing is one important way to heal the body, mind and spirit.

How does this work to heal the entire person? The major concept of healing through Thetahealing is to connect the person to the Creator of All. Concepts that will reconnect a person seeking total healing of body, mind and spirit are taught in Holistic Healing Centers, and at Ashram Yoga Retreats, which teach healing techniques.

The concepts that lead to healing of the whole person are based on the unconditional love of the Creator of All...

yoga poses

Yoga To Gain Holistic Wellness

You sometimes get asked about your yoga devotion and what it really is for. The resurgence of Yoga as a personal activity is due to its total approach to good health. However, we must always take note that the true purpose of Yoga is to put a stop to anguish in this life. Yoga is a program wherein a practitioner is free to establish an aware and deliberate method.

It infuses a practitioner with total empowerment. Ending suffering in this world is ideal, although history has shown that somehow or another, humankind seems to always manage to come up with new ways of hurting one’s self.

The various styles of Yoga are unique in themselves. They have one thing in common, though, the pursuit of total health...


Holistic Pet Care Facts

The Institute for Vibrant Living specializes in natural health supplement alternatives for many human health concerns. Recognizing the importance of quality pet care alternatives, they have compiled this report on holistic medicine for animals:

The benefits of holistic health are so well established today, many people are now extending their own holistic health approaches to their pets.

During the last few years there has been a marked increase in natural healing techniques for animals. Just as human holistic medicine focuses on the “whole” person, holistic animal medicine focuses on the “whole” pet, not just one specific issue or disease.

Holistic veterinarians are focused on resolving the cause of the problem, not just alleviating the symptoms, which is the traditional approach.



Holistic Remedies For Fibroids

If you are considering trying holistic remedies for fibroids, then you have made a wise decision. Many women believe that the only options available to them to deal with their fibroids are invasive surgical procedures or using hormone-blocking drugs and this means that they are possibly missing out on an option which has been used very successfully by thousands of women.

There are many unanswered questions as far as fibroids are concerned. Doctors are unable to determine the exact cause in an individual although they do know of the range of factors which are likely to have contributed. We know enough to understand that fibroids are related to lifestyle, diets, hereditary factors and hormone levels and we also know that if the root causes are eliminated, then fibroids cannot grow.

One way o...

essential oils

Aromatherapy Holistic Health

The art and science of using aromatherapy to modify a person’s emotions, moods and overall physical well-being has been in practice since the early civilizations. The emergence of more advanced medicine and technologies has deprived aromatherapy of its wide-scale popularity through the years.

There are some people, on the other hand, that have never ceased practicing and relying on aromatherapy to improve their health and attain a holistic lifestyle. Now, as the therapeutic type re-emerges, more and more people are getting interested in it.

Learning how to use aromatherapy is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. Basically, aromatherapy uses essential oil from herbs that are ideal for maintaining health, relieving stress and regulating the normal blood flow in the body...


A Holistic Approach to Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid relief from your itching, pain, and bleeding is the hope driving many sufferers to the nearest drugstore. Often relief comes from a popular salve containing chemicals that when applied does soothe the area. Yet, the hemorrhoids remain, only to return again as soon as you stop using the salve. The symptoms may have been subdued temporarily and you may think that you have found a hemorrhoid cure, but the underlying causes are still there. What you need is a holistic approach to hemorrhoids elimination by finding and treating all the fundamental causes.

Of course, you do need immediate relief from the itching, burning and pain. If you are concerned about all the chemicals used in some hemorrhoid products, you may want to turn to more wholesome natural ingredients...


A Holistic Approach to Wellness

Beyond a passion for EFT and PSYCH-K®, I’m what you could call a “moderate” health nut, and I know all too well from my own health challenges and that of others, that modern life can prove challenging for achieving and maintaining a state of homeostasis (balance and equilibrium). It has always been my natural aptitude and passion to research, experiment, and counsel others about nutrition, cleansing, products, toxins, supplements and herbs, and diet. I’ve observed rather clearly how people’s choices, lifestyles and eating habits contribute to their poor health and mental and emotional state. We all live in a world of toxins keeping our immune systems bogged down, and some of us are under the weight of it more than others.

My awareness of the true health epidemic of our world is growing...

Holistic for Pets

Holistic Alternatives For Pets

You may ask, what does the term ‘holistic’ mean? The word holistic is derived from the word ‘whole’. Holistic veterinary medicine, therefore, refers to the treatment of the whole organism rather than the treatment of individual body parts or simply the removal of symptoms. For example, if a cat is diagnosed by the veterinarian with a urinary tract infection, the veterinarian may prescribe pharmaceutical medication to treat the cat. Where the holistic veterinarian may provide advice on improving the cat’s overall health through the use of holistic methods in addition to, or instead of, antibiotics to treat the urinary tract infection. Thus, the cat’s overall well being is being addressed and improved rather than just the ailment that the cat has acquired.

Under the heading of holistic veter...
