Nutiva Hemp Protein

Why Finding the Best Form of Protein is Imperative to Your Fitness Gains

As you may have heard protein powder is an absolute necessity to maximize muscle growth in a shorter period of time. It also allows for quicker recovery. Now there are various forms of protein out there such as casein (in milk) soy protein, whey protein and hemp protein. Now I personally include all except for soy protein. In my opinion soy protein is an incomplete protein it only features some amino acids where hemp and whey feature many more. Now I know protein powder can be expensive. So I also recommend you include meat but I want to make a distinction here.

Organic is the absolute best kind of meat you can get. Meat that comes from animals with no additives to their feed, no hormones placed in their food. The same hold true for finding a good supplement of protein. The fitness industry accumulates millions and billions of dollars a year. There are all sorts of companies out there with protein supplements. When searching out a good protein supplement you should find an organic source. For example there is non-organic whey protein and organic whey protein. Not only will buying organic increase absorption but you will also build health. Many non-organic protein supplements have additives that will sacrifice the sake of your health for a longer shelf life.

Always find organic protein powders and always eat organic meat not only will you build up a great fitness level(along with a dedication to yourself) you will also have great health.

It’s not about just looking good in the mirror it’s about creating health inside and out.

Now what many don’t understand about non organic whey protein is it can very much be hazardous to your health. Not so much the protein but the process by which the protein is created and the additives placed within whey protein to make it last on the shelves. Anytime a product says natural and artificial flavors I would recommend not buying that product. Also when a product says all natural it is merely a marketing ploy into tricking you into believing the ingredients within that product are all natural. Just because it says it’s all natural does not mean there are not man-made ingredients within the product. What you want is organic and certified organic.

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